Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:24 pm
Hi Gaurav,
I've been able to reproduce that. Antialias was initially thought as a final visualisation tecnique. However, I'll add your request to our wish-list to be enhanced in future releases.When I select Canavas.UseAntiAlias=true the Chart shows up antialiased, however when I export to any format the image created is the Aliased version.
It's also known that antialias reduces chart interactivity. I'll also add this to our defect list to be fixed for future releases but a solution for this is unlikely for a near future.I tried adding this call in the OnAfterDraw event but get the same effect.
Another this I noticed is that the XY coordinates get screwed up vis-a-vis mouse click with UseAntiAlias=true. i.e The coordinate system seems to be shifted to the right