How to show only last 6 values in the legend
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:54 pm
For some reason, my legend is only showing the last point in the legend. I really don't have anything that is making it only show 1 point, but it is. Here is the code... How can I have it show the last 6 points? Or better yet, how can I zoom a chart (by button push) such that only the last 6 points are being shown and they are all in the legend.
With TChart2
.Legend.Visible = True
.Legend.Gradient.StartColor = RGB(125, 125, 125)
.Legend.Gradient.EndColor = vbWhite
.Series(0).ShowInLegend = False
.Series(1).ShowInLegend = True
.Series(2).ShowInLegend = False
.Legend.Alignment = laRight
.Legend.Shadow.Transparency = 100
End With
For some reason, my legend is only showing the last point in the legend. I really don't have anything that is making it only show 1 point, but it is. Here is the code... How can I have it show the last 6 points? Or better yet, how can I zoom a chart (by button push) such that only the last 6 points are being shown and they are all in the legend.
With TChart2
.Legend.Visible = True
.Legend.Gradient.StartColor = RGB(125, 125, 125)
.Legend.Gradient.EndColor = vbWhite
.Series(0).ShowInLegend = False
.Series(1).ShowInLegend = True
.Series(2).ShowInLegend = False
.Legend.Alignment = laRight
.Legend.Shadow.Transparency = 100
End With