Fatal Error with some versions of windows 98

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Fatal Error with some versions of windows 98

Post by Michel.R » Tue Jan 27, 2004 1:51 pm

Fatal Error ( Windows Blue Screen ) appears on some Windows 98 PC
With our application when using TeeChart
Software is Visual FoxPro
After problem analysis , I Found it occured after during an API Call which raise a Floating Point Exception

The problem disapear if I add a call to the _fpreset() function of MSVCRT20.dll just before the API Call and When leaving TeeChart Form

It seems that teechart leave the FP in an unstable state ????

Nb: Similar problem exist with some printer drivers

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Post by Marc » Tue Feb 10, 2004 9:17 am


We have come across this issue in the past in VC++ applications. It is a possible situation that TeeChart within an application may leave the floating point in a condition not suitable for the container. TeeChart does some internal preparation to avoid the same happening in reverse.

It seems that you have resolved the issue so you don't really need this note but I'll post it here for reference:

(from Microsoft help)
The _clear87 and _fpreset functions might be useful when an application spawns another application that might perform a floating- point operation. When the spawned application completes execution, call the _clear87 or _fpreset function to return the floating-point environment to its default state.

Marc Meumann
Steema Support

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