Env.: TeeChart Pro (Same problem with
Hi All,
I'm displaying TeeChart in an HTML page but get a odd behaviour with zoom:
- Zoom doesn't work even though it is enabled (I added init for most/all zoom properties in despair. See init code below. My initial code only add Chart.Zoom.Enable= true)
- After I open the TeeChartEditor and close it (no action in there), zoom works ! (editor opened unsing <a href="javascript:document.all.Chart.ShowEditor();">
How come ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
----- Chart Init code : ------
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function RGB(red, green, blue) { return red+green*255+blue*65536; }
// Set title
var Chart= document.all.Chart;
// Set general appearance
Chart.Aspect.View3D= false; // 2D
Chart.Panel.BevelInner= 0; // 0= None
Chart.Panel.BevelOuter= 0; // 0= None
Chart.Zoom.Enable= true;
Chart.Zoom.Direction= 2; // 2= tzdBoth
Chart.Zoom.Animated= false;
Chart.Zoom.MinimumPixels= 16;
Chart.Zoom.MouseButton= 1; // mbLeft
Chart.Zoom.Pen.Color= RGB(0,0,0);
Chart.Zoom.Pen.Width= 5;
// Add Series
var nSeries= Chart.AddSeries(0); // 0 = scLine
Chart.Series(0).XValues.DateTime= true; // Time series
Chart.Axis.Left.Title.Caption="MyTag - Description";
Can't enable zoom in IE
you can add next code in your sript
in addition, it's not useful to redifine the function RGB(),do you know in javascirpt language,it is a system funciton.
you can add next code in your sript
in addition, it's not useful to redifine the function RGB(),do you know in javascirpt language,it is a system funciton.

Code: Select all