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saving data marks ?
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 4:16 pm
by 6925851
i have moved datamark in a certain angle with background and different font color,name and save tee file
when i reopend the tee file datamark has been change , it is not kept in the same angle
how can i save datamark position ? and also how to get the position of datamark
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:19 am
by narcis
Hi Aravind,
It works fine for me here using v7.0.0.8 and the code below. Could you please modify it or send us an example we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here?
You can post your files at news:// newsgroup.
Code: Select all
Private Sub Command1_Click()
TChart1.Export.asNative.SaveToFile "e:\temp\markangle.tee", True
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
TChart1.Import.LoadFromFile "e:\temp\markangle.tee"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
TChart1.Series(0).FillSampleValues 10
End Sub
Private Sub TChart1_OnGetSeriesMark(ByVal SeriesIndex As Long, ByVal ValueIndex As Long, MarkText As String)
With TChart1.Series(SeriesIndex).Marks
If ValueIndex = 5 Then
.Item(ValueIndex).Color = vbBlue
.Item(ValueIndex).Font.Size = 15
.Angle = 45
.Angle = 0
End If
End With
End Sub
Thanks in advance.