I am trying to use TeeChart to plot. If I try to plot only one series, the plot does not show up on the graph but I try more than one it shows up.
I verified by using TeeChart 6.0, this issue does not occur and the chart plots the first series without any problem.
I have gone through Microsoft Visual debugger and verified that the Chart object indeed contains the plot values of the of a single series.
In the ocding I am using:
Chart.Export.SaveToJPEGFile teeChartFileName, false, 0, 100, chartwidth, chartheight
The output jpg file does not contain the plot. It is the same when I export it using the the .tee option as follows:
Chart.Export.asNative.SaveToFile teeChartFileName, true
Can someone help me with this issue?
First Series does not show up in TeeChart
Hi Ravi,
which code are you using to generate the Chart and populate the Series ?
Would you be so kind to post the code with which we can reproduce the problem "as is" here ?
which code are you using to generate the Chart and populate the Series ?
Would you be so kind to post the code with which we can reproduce the problem "as is" here ?
Pep Jorge
Please find outline of the code which we are using for your reference:
MySeriesNumber = 0
seriesTye = "scLine"
'objNodeList is an xml containing data point info
Num = objNodeList.length - 1
redim myXarray(Num)
redim myYarray(Num)
for each datapointnode in objNodeList
myXarray(t) = datapointnode.getAttribute("localeTime")
myYarray(t) = datapointnode.getAttribute("datapointValue")
execute "Chart.Series(MySeriesNumber).AddArray objNodeList.length, myYarray, myXarray"
execute "Chart.ChangeSeriesType " & MySeriesNumber & "," & seriesType
'2 more series are added after the first one
'code remains same
'Series 0, 1, 2 are plotted above but only 1 and 2 shows up on the teechart
'If repeat the same to create Series 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 all the six series are plotted
'For us a mulitiple of 3 series belong to one group
'so when we plot 2 or more groups the Series 0 becomes visible
'Chart is repainted and saved
Chart.Export.SaveToJPEGFile jpgChartFileName, false, 0, 100, chartwidth, chartheight
Please find outline of the code which we are using for your reference:
MySeriesNumber = 0
seriesTye = "scLine"
'objNodeList is an xml containing data point info
Num = objNodeList.length - 1
redim myXarray(Num)
redim myYarray(Num)
for each datapointnode in objNodeList
myXarray(t) = datapointnode.getAttribute("localeTime")
myYarray(t) = datapointnode.getAttribute("datapointValue")
execute "Chart.Series(MySeriesNumber).AddArray objNodeList.length, myYarray, myXarray"
execute "Chart.ChangeSeriesType " & MySeriesNumber & "," & seriesType
'2 more series are added after the first one
'code remains same
'Series 0, 1, 2 are plotted above but only 1 and 2 shows up on the teechart
'If repeat the same to create Series 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 all the six series are plotted
'For us a mulitiple of 3 series belong to one group
'so when we plot 2 or more groups the Series 0 becomes visible
'Chart is repainted and saved
Chart.Export.SaveToJPEGFile jpgChartFileName, false, 0, 100, chartwidth, chartheight
Hi Ravi,
I'm sorry, I cannot reproduce the problem here, simply simulating the code you post.
Could you please send me an example with which I can reproduce "as is" the problem here ? (you can send me it directly to [email protected]).
I'm sorry, I cannot reproduce the problem here, simply simulating the code you post.
Code: Select all
Private Sub Form_Load()
TChart1.AddSeries scBar
TChart1.AddSeries scBar
TChart1.AddSeries scBar
Dim a, b
a = Array(2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 1, 4, 5, 2)
b = Array(4, 1, 8, 6, 2, 3, 3, 7, 1)
TChart1.Series(0).AddArray 9, a, b
TChart1.ChangeSeriesType 0, scLine
TChart1.Series(1).AddArray 9, a, b
TChart1.ChangeSeriesType 1, scLine
TChart1.Series(2).AddArray 9, a, b
TChart1.ChangeSeriesType 2, scLine
End Sub
Pep Jorge