I installed TeeChart5.ocx Evaluation version in my ISP Web server to test ASP pages with static graphics and all went ok.
This week I purchased TeeChart7AX and a Web license. I desregistered TeeChart5.ocx Evaluation version, register TeeChart7.ocx and the same testing page chashed creating the chart object.
I installed and tested TeeChart7.ocx in local Windows2000 and XP machines a went perfect.
I tried with ChartTypes.htm/asp Steema example (changing asPNG to asJPEG), but the problem continues. The error is "Action cancelled. IE cannot link to the web page...." (it appears in the IFrame).
I tried a very simple ASP page:
Code: Select all
<!-- #INCLUDE file="include/TChartConsts.asp" -->
Set Chart = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart.7")
Chart.Series(0).FillSampleValues 20
Response.BinaryWrite (Chart.Export.asJPEG.SaveToStream)
Any idea? Should you send me TeeChart5.ocx to try? I need static simple charts for the moment.
Eduardo Ferruelo