adjust axis scale
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:28 pm
Hi: I have a waveform with around 15,000 data points that I'm plotting on x-y chart. The waveform is a sinusoid that has about 128 data points per cycle. I would like for the bottom axis scale to be in "cycles", not data points. In MathCad this is done by dividing the bottom axis coordinate by a scaler N - it doesn't change the plot at all, it just relabels the axis scale to a different unit.
Here is example:
In this sample the bottom axis is scaled in "cycles" which are just data points divided by N, the number of data points in a cycle. Is this possible with TChart?
Best Regards,
Here is example:

In this sample the bottom axis is scaled in "cycles" which are just data points divided by N, the number of data points in a cycle. Is this possible with TChart?
Best Regards,