Uni-Code assistance issue of Tee-Chart

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Uni-Code assistance issue of Tee-Chart

Post by shift » Fri Mar 19, 2004 9:53 am

Dear Technical Support Staff,

I am a TeeChart User in Korea. I got a question about the the Uni-Code assistance issue of Tee-Chart.

Could you please answer me about the below questions ?

1. Does Tee-Chart 5.X version assist Uni-Code ?

2. If it does, then can we use multi - languages (2-Byte Languages) at a chart (eg ; Korean & Japanese or Chinese ?)

3. If it does assist multi language presentation, could you please send me some chart samples ?

4. If the Tee-Chart 5.X version doesn't assist the Uni-code and Multi - Language support, then What version of Tee-Chart assist the Uni-Code and Multi Language ?

Thanks in advance for your kind explanation and answer.

Kind regards,
Yun-Chong, Oh

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Post by Pep » Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:37 am

Hi Yun,

TeeChart's own Editor translations are not Unicode compatible, the Editor screens of respective language versions are correct in their own environment but the multi-language version Editors only display correctly in romanic language scripted languages.

Your own application content will display correctly in a given environment (eg. Korean). Steema supplies double-byte language translated Editors for some languages but not for Korean in TeeChart Pro AX v5. True unicode language support, displaying Editors in their correct language, whatever the language of the underlying Windows version, is supported in TeeChart for .NET, including Korean.

A Korean specific translation for TeeChart Pro AX v6 could be made available if there appears sufficient demand but no further development for TeeChart Pro AX v5 will now take place.

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