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Need sample code to draw Histogram Series in VC++ (MFC)
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:20 am
by 13047077
I need to add TeeChart control to draw "Histogram Series" in one of my VC++(MFC) application.I found information to draw "Histogram Series" for .NET applications , but that is not useful for me because I want to write application in VC++(MFC).
So could you please send me VC++(MFC) or C++ sample code or any help information to draw "Histogram series" using TeeChart control ?
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:39 am
by narcis
Hi Frances,
You can either use a histogram series:
Code: Select all
or a histogram function:
Code: Select all
m_Chart1.Series(1).SetFunction(41); //tfHistogram
For further information about VC++ applications with TeeChart please read
Tutorial 15 - MS VC++ Applications and have a look at the examples at
C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v8 ActiveX Control\Examples\Visual C++. I also recommend you to have a look at
Tutorial 7 - Working with Functions.
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:57 am
by 13047077
Could you please let me know where I will get these tutorial applications?
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:01 pm
by 13047077
Hi ,
I also need sample code to draw Histogram Series polygon in MS VC++ application . and how to set color for each point in Histogram Series.
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:14 pm
by narcis
Hi Frances,
You'll find the tutorials and examples at TeeChart's program group at Start Menu->All Programs.
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:17 pm
by 13047077
Hi ,
Thanks for reply.
I am having examples and tutorial for .NET not for MS VC++ Applications . Please send me examples and tutorials for MS VC++.
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:27 pm
by narcis
Hi Frances,
Which TeeChart for version are you using? The examples and tutorials I mentioned belong to TeeChart Pro v8 ActiveX as you posted to the forum for this TeeChart version.
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:34 pm
by 13047077
Thanks for reply..
Tee Chart Version I am using is that
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:35 pm
by 13047077
Version that I am using TeeChart Pro Activex v5.0.6.0
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:38 pm
by narcis
Hi Frances,
Ok, in that case you should have the tutorials in the location I mentioned. Examples should be found at C:\Program Files\TeeChart Pro v5 ActiveX Control\Examples\Visual C++ (Default English installation). However, with this version, you'll only have histogram series, histogram function support was added for TeeChart Pro v8 ActiveX.
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:59 pm
by 13047077
Hi ,
I have only TeeChart5.ocx file present on my system for "TeeChart Pro Activex v5.0.6.0" version .
Could you please send me installer for TeeChart Pro Activex v5 so I can get MS VC++ examples and tutorial for this perticualr version after installing this vesion ActiveX on my system. I don't have a
"C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v5 ActiveX Control\Examples\Visual C++" folder on my system.
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:13 pm
by narcis
Hi Frances,
You should find the installer at the
client download area using your licensing details.
If you don't have this information please contact our Sales Dept. at
[email protected]. If you purchased your license via a software reseller you may want to contact them.
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:32 am
by 13047077
I am drawing histogram using Tee Chart . Could you please let me know how I will draw Polygons of histogram and how I will fill colors in that polygons.
Please give me smaple code example for above queries.
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:27 am
by narcis
Hi Frances,
Sorry but I don't understand what do you exactly mean. Could you please give us more detailed information about what you are trying to achieve?
Thanks in advance.
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:30 am
by 13047077
Hi ,
I am developing one application in which I want to draw Line and Histogram series using TeeChart5.ocx. This I want to develop in MS VC++ technology. I am having TeeChart5.ocx , that I have used in my application to use TeeChart functionlity.
Now I am okey to draw line series using TeeChart . but I am not able to understanding how I will draw Histogram using TeeChart .
I am having four coordinates i.e left , right , top , bottom to draw histogram but I don't know which are the methods or properties required to draw histogram series. also I don't know how to fill color in histogram series.
So could you please send me some sample code for MS VC++ technology which contains example to draw histogram series using Teechart activeX .
You had suggested me to use following,
For further information about VC++ applications with TeeChart please read Tutorial 15 - MS VC++ Applications and have a look at the examples at C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v8 ActiveX Control\Examples\Visual C++. I also recommend you to have a look at Tutorial 7 - Working with Functions
but I don't have these materials on my machine .
So this my request if you could send me MS VC++sample code to draw histogram series using TeeChart5.ocx component , this will be very helpful for me to complete my assignment.