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Council (and help) for a graph
Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:26 am
by 15052665
I'm trying to do this chart with no succeed.
This is a exemple

So i'm asking your help.
I have some value (Char).
I want to show a value with this XValue and YValue.
What SerieClass i need to use.
I'm trying with Gantt, Bar3D but i can't modify the mark to show my value.
I'm working with Magic Software.
I'm sorry for my english.
Thx for your help
Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:01 pm
by yeray
Hi Onyx,
Here is an example in vb6 that tries to draw a chart as in your picture:
Code: Select all
Private Sub Form_Load()
With TChart1
.Aspect.View3D = False
.AddSeries scGantt
.Series(0).XValues.DateTime = True
.Series(0).YValues.DateTime = True
.Axis.Left.Labels.Style = talValue
With .Series(0).asGantt
.AddGanttColor DateValue("2009-03-01") + TimeValue("2:00"), DateValue("2009-03-01") + TimeValue("21:59"), TimeValue("18:00"), "D++", RGB(255, 128, 0)
.AddGanttColor DateValue("2009-03-01") + TimeValue("2:00"), DateValue("2009-03-01") + TimeValue("21:59"), TimeValue("6:00"), "C", RGB(128, 64, 0)
.AddGanttColor DateValue("2009-03-02") + TimeValue("2:00"), DateValue("2009-03-02") + TimeValue("21:59"), TimeValue("6:00"), "N+", vbGreen
.AddGanttColor DateValue("2009-03-03") + TimeValue("2:00"), DateValue("2009-03-03") + TimeValue("21:59"), TimeValue("6:00"), "N+", vbGreen
.AddGanttColor DateValue("2009-03-03") + TimeValue("2:00"), DateValue("2009-03-03") + TimeValue("21:59"), TimeValue("21:00"), "M++", vbBlack
.Pointer.VerticalSize = 8
End With
.Series(0).Marks.Visible = True
.Series(0).Marks.Item(1).Font.Color = vbWhite
.Series(0).Marks.Item(4).Font.Color = vbWhite
For i = 0 To .Series(0).Count - 1
.Series(0).Marks.Item(i).Transparent = True
Next i
.Axis.Left.SetMinMax TimeValue("0:00"), TimeValue("23:59")
End With
End Sub
Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:09 pm
by 15052665
Thx for your help
During my test, i'm using AddGantt method but with AddGanttColor, it work fine.
Thanks a lot