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Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:37 pm
by 17662183
Hi,I'm using TeeChart Javascript/HTML5
Chart1.axes.items[0] = Chart1.axes.left;
Chart1.axes.items[4] = Chart1.axes.add(false,false);
1.When first loading,it will show Only Chart1.axes.items[0].Title.Text
Until MouseMove,it show Chart1.axes.items[4].Title.Text ,Chart1.axes.items[5].Title.Text...etc
Can any solution show all Axes Title in first loading at on time?
2.In Y Axes,Axes.Title comes always in Vertical,I want it be on Horizontal
And any method set Axes.Title.Angle or turn it to Horizontal?
3.Series in null/NaN Value ,How to set it in break line?
Thanks in any help!
Re: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:05 am
by 17662183
Hi, I've ready your reply in Stackoverflow
ans1-will fixed it for the next maintenance release
ans2-Chart1.axes.left.title.rotation = 90;
but question3 still not resolve
Code: Select all
var s0=Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Bar([5,2,null,6,7,null,4,6,5]));
Although point C & point F is disable
but willl have line start in point B to point D & point E to point G
Any solution to set a
break line in point B to point D & point E to point G
Thanks in any help!
Re: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:34 pm
by yeray
Hi Eden,
Eden wrote:your reply in Stackoverflow
Let me post it here the complete answer I wrote
Eden wrote:1.When first loading,it will show Only Chart1.axes.items[0].Title.Text
Until MouseMove,it show Chart1.axes.items[4].Title.Text ,Chart1.axes.items[5].Title.Text...etc
Can any solution show all Axes Title in first loading at on time?
We've fixed it for the next maintenance release. Thanks for reporting it.
Eden wrote:2.In Y Axes,Axes.Title comes always in Vertical,I want it be on Horizontal
And any method set Axes.Title.Angle or turn it to Horizontal?
We've implemented a new rotation property for the all the axes titles.
Code: Select all
Chart1.axes.left.title.rotation = 90;
This will also be available with the next maintenance release and will work with 0, 90 and 270 degrees by now.
Eden wrote:3.Series in null/NaN Value ,How to set it in break line?
Eden wrote:Eg:
Code: Select all
var s0=Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Bar([5,2,null,6,7,null,4,6,5]));
Although point C & point F is disable
but willl have line start in point B to point D & point E to point G
Any solution to set a
break line in point B to point D & point E to point G
Thanks in any help!
Regarding this 3rd question, you would like to have a break in your axis like the AxisBreaks Tool, or you just don't want the C and F Axis labels to be drawn, showing a blank space where the respective values would be if visible?
Re: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:49 am
by 17662183
In 3rd question,Is any solution to set the line between point B and point D & the line between point F and point H are disable/invisible?
Code: Select all
var Chart1;
function draw() {
Chart1 = new Tee.Chart("canvas1");
Chart1.axes.left.title.text = "Data";
var series = new Tee.Line(Chart1);
Chart1.addSeries(series); = [5, 2, null , 6, 7, 1,null , 6, 5]; = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I'];

- no break line
- qp1.png (37.7 KiB) Viewed 20927 times
How to set a break line in point B to point D & point F to point H like this

- break line in point B to point D & point F to point H
- qp2.png (31.65 KiB) Viewed 20919 times
Re: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:43 am
by yeray
We've added a new treatNulls property to the Line series so with the next maintenance release you'll be able to do this:
Code: Select all
Chart1.series.items[0].treatNulls = "skip"; // default is: "dontPaint"
Re: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:40 am
by 17662183
Hi,your product is awesome!
When does it maintenance release?
Best Requard!
Re: Null Value & Axes Title Angle and Show Time In Multiple Axes
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:42 am
by yeray
Hi Eden,
I'm afraid I can't tell you a date for the next release to be published.