Hi David,
How do I then tell the chart frame to leave room for the title as the chart frame is figuring out its size. Currently, it sizes the chartRect to accomodate the title. If I made the title text blank on the tChartAxis, so it does not show up in the middle of the plot, will the chart leave room at the bottom.
You can set TChart's panel margins:
Code: Select all
This will give you absolute control of where your custom titles are positioned.
Also, I make use of many of your title properties like the background color, shadow, alignment etc that I will have to duplicate on my own.
You can draw a color rectangle and the text over it or use an annotation tool or a rectangel tool which have those features and allow text. The only inconvenient is that the text can not be rotated.
Is there a way to get the custom axes to work without making another series?
Not for now. It is on our wish-list to implemented for future releases that a series can have more than one horizontal and vertical axis associated.