With Delphi 6 (Update pack 2) :
- Create a new application
- Drop a Tchart component on the form (called Chart1)
- Drop a TChartPreviewer component on the form (called ChartPreviewer1)
- Double-click on the chart for opening design options. In the "Themes" panel, change the theme to "Windows XP".
- Drop a Tbutton component on the form (called Button1)
- copy the following code into the button :
Code: Select all
Chart1.Walls.Back.Color := clWhite;
Chart1.Color := clWhite;
Chart1.Gradient.Visible := false;
Chart1.Walls.Back.Gradient.Visible := false;
- Click on the button
- The whole chart is becoming white, but the back panel remains partially gray in the Chart Previewer ???
It seems to appear only with the "Windows XP" theme and "Blues" theme.

The chart first looking

After clicking the button, the whole chart has a white background

But there's still some gray in the Chart Previewer