I know I posted this in a previous thread, but the subject and problem changed from the initial post and I didn't get a response from my last post (dated June 7th) which is very unusual.
In creating an graphic from a chart (which I do extensively for reports), if Text Size in Windows' Display Settings are antying other than 100%, metafile's are rendered incorrectly. This is not the case with bitmaps--they are rendered correctly. Here is what is seen then the Text Size is 100% (I kept the chart as simple as possible to show the problem):

If I change the Text Size to 200% and re-render the graphic as a metafile, here is what I see:

Finally, a bitmap rendering works fine:

This bug creates incorrect image sizes in my report. If I switch the images to bitmaps, they appear pixelated.
Why does it work right with a bitmap but not a metafile?
How can I get this to work correctly? It is critical for me.
Much appreciated,
Ed Dressel