Installation probs with bcb6

TeeChart VCL for Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder.
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Installation probs with bcb6

Post by billysdomain » Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:15 am


Have just done a fresh install of BCB and Teechart 6.01 (with Qrep pro installed first)

Now, whenever i compile a project with contains Tee components i get the following errors:

[C++ Error] TeeProcs.hpp(163): E2316 'TTeeShadow' is not a member of 'Tecanvas'
[C++ Error] TeeProcs.hpp(163): E2040 Declaration terminated incorrectly
[C++ Error] TeeProcs.hpp(185): E2316 'TTeeShadow' is not a member of 'Tecanvas'
[C++ Error] TeeProcs.hpp(185): E2293 ) expected
[C++ Error] TeeProcs.hpp(255): E2316 'TChartBrush' is not a member of 'Tecanvas'
[C++ Error] TeeProcs.hpp(255): E2293 ) expected
[C++ Error] TeeProcs.hpp(288): E2316 'TTeeShadow' is not a member of 'Tecanvas'

and some more similiar ones!!

So first of all i tried an uninstall, deleted all remaining files beginning with tee, then tried a reinstall, no change tho im afraid

Am very stuck now and am in need to use your great components

can you help??

thanks and regards

billy walton

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Post by Pep » Fri Jul 02, 2004 3:19 pm

Hi billy,

did you use a binaries installer or did you install from sources ? It looks to me BCB or your project might still be referencing old TeeChart files.

If first (BCB), check the include and library paths. Especially check if Teechart v6 paths are fist on the list. If they are not move them to first place. Next thing to do is make a list of all files in TeeChart v6 \Cbuilder6\ directories. Then search other BCB include and library path directories for duplicate files. If you find any, remove/backup them.

If second then most likely your project bpg file might still be referencing old bpi/lib files. To check/fix this problem, open bpg file and check if the project old references Teechart v6 packages (they will have Tee6C6 in their name). If there are any other (older version) Teechart packages, replace them with new package names. This has to be done for bpi and lib files.

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Post by Fish » Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:21 pm

I have run into the same problem. After several hours of poking around I discovered the following:

There were many Te*.hpp files hanging around in '\Cbuilder6\Include\Vcl'

aparently the wrong version. So I deleted them. Also.. Chart.hpp was in that directory, apparently the wrong version ... whacked.

There where some files in \cbuilder6\lib\obj that where leftovers from previous versions.

Once i rooted out all the old stuff, I can now compile and link again. I guess one of the older uninstallers didn't.

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Post by Pep » Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:34 pm

Hi Fish,

ok, I'm glad to know that works now.
Normally the installer removes them (all the old files) to backup directory, but sometimes it fails (wise problem) and you have to do it manually.

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