problem using Tchart6

TeeChart VCL for Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder.
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problem using Tchart6

Post by SDG » Mon Dec 08, 2003 1:09 pm

We have upgraded from Tchart version 5 to Version 6 for DElphi6.
After I have installed the latest version, Iam unable to run my program.
when I reported about this earlier, the solution given is to remove the old teechart files from Delphi search path. I have done that even then there are errors.
The problem is, when Iam adding a series to the chart during design time and try to run the application, Errors like, property "series.Marks.callout " doen not exist occur.
But there is no problem , when Iam creating a series during runtime (series1 := TLineseries.Create()).

When I installed only the latest version Tchart 6(with out Tchart 5.01), there are compilation errors like:
Unit TeeProcs was compiled with a different version of system.RTL version.
The error constinues for all files TECanvas,chart,series,etc.,
I have followed the installation instructions carefully.
Please help me.

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Post by Pep » Tue Dec 09, 2003 12:31 pm

>application, Errors like, property "series.Marks.callout " doen not exist >occur.

I suspect the problem is Delphi is still referencing some old TeeChart files.
Check the old standard TeeChart files from Delphi directories. Most likely
Delphi is still using them (they will be located in one of the search path
directories). If you finds any old files, you should remove/backup them
(although in 99% this is done by installer).

Also, if you are using the "build with the runtime packages" option, you
should check if Delphi removed references to tee60 (old version) files and eplaced them with new tee66 files. If this is not the case, you'll have to manually remove all old TeeChart Pro v5 packages (they will have tee56 in their name) and replace them with new TeeChart v6 packages they have tee66 in their name ).

>Unit TeeProcs was compiled with a different version of system.RTL >version.
Do you have installed the Delphi6 RTL Upd3 ? I think that's is the problem.

Josep Lluis Jorge

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