Upgrade Issue
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:31 pm
Hi all, My name is Del and I have been a user of Tee Charts and Delphi since Delphi 3. Someone else took over our Delphi developement a few years ago and I stopped programming for a while (Delphi 7) That person is no longer with our company and now i ahve been asked to pick up the pieces. I had to purchase Delphi 2007 and install from scratch. I found the license number for TeeCharts version 8 and installed it. The problem i am having is the program I started with Delphi 4 still has a Tee Chart named TppDPTeeChart that does not seam to be in the latest versiona and I am having trouble figuring a way around it short of replacing this component. I have a simple bug i need to fix in the software and I don't want to put any major work into it by replacing this component.
Any Suggestions woould be greatly appreciated.

Any Suggestions woould be greatly appreciated.