FYI .. Just to recap original post from "presence" in June 2011, this issue is with XE Starter Edition that does not come with dcl database components. They don't come with XE2 Starter either, so TeeChart is incompatible with both Starter editions in its present configuration.
TeeChart Package loaded: dcltee915.bpl located at: "TeeChart Standard 2011 for RAD 2011\RAD15\Bin" - this is standard edition TeeChart. Do now get message box on TeeChart install that says " TeeChart files to AUTO install cannot be found", though it says it is successful past this point; on my last attempt I had to manually install the package (???).
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\9.0 .. is for XE2 not XE
The key in my machine is...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\8.0 .. edition = "Starter"
BELOW is the detail from the "Can't load package dclado150.bpl" error message
[5005B857]{rtl150.bpl } SysUtils.LoadPackage (Line 18891, "SysUtils.pas" + 12) + $36
[207A8AD4]{coreide150.bpl} PakLoad.TPackage.DoLoadPackage (Line 143, "PakLoad.pas" + 0) + $8
[207A8C49]{coreide150.bpl} PakLoad.TPackage.Load (Line 217, "PakLoad.pas" + 7) + $7
[207AB419]{coreide150.bpl} PakMgr.TDesignPackage.Load (Line 591, "PakMgr.pas" + 2) + $2
[21AF8317]{delphicoreide150.bpl} PasCppPakMgr.TIDEDesignPackage.Load (Line 2253, "PasCppPakMgr.pas" + 4) + $3
[207AB843]{coreide150.bpl} PakMgr.IsMatch (Line 729, "PakMgr.pas" + 11) + $15
[50037560]{rtl150.bpl } System.@FreeMem (Line 3768, "System.pas" + 20) + $0
[21AF81DB]{delphicoreide150.bpl} PasCppPakMgr.TIDEDesignPackage.LoadRequiredDesignPackages (Line 2214, "PasCppPakMgr.pas" +

+ $4
[21AF83CE]{delphicoreide150.bpl} PasCppPakMgr.TIDEDesignPackage.Load (Line 2266, "PasCppPakMgr.pas" + 17) + $3
[207AB843]{coreide150.bpl} PakMgr.IsMatch (Line 729, "PakMgr.pas" + 11) + $15
[50037560]{rtl150.bpl } System.@FreeMem (Line 3768, "System.pas" + 20) + $0
[207AC077]{coreide150.bpl} PakMgr.TDesignPackages.LoadDelayLoadPackage (Line 956, "PakMgr.pas" + 2) + $2
[21B9B625]{delphicoreide150.bpl} CompPalMgr.TComponentPalettePageItemDelegate.EnsurePackageLoaded (Line 2592, "CompPalMgr.pas" +

+ $A
[21B9B4BD]{delphicoreide150.bpl} CompPalMgr.TComponentPalettePageItemDelegate.CreateComponent (Line 2563, "CompPalMgr.pas" + 1) + $4
[21079D8A]{designide150.bpl} ComponentDesigner.TComponentRoot.DoCreateComponent (Line 2322, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 10) + $17
[2107F022]{designide150.bpl} ComponentDesigner.TComponentRoot.CreateCurrentComponent (Line 4384, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 2) + $32
[2109636E]{designide150.bpl} Surface.TDesignSurface.CreateItem (Line 187, "Surface.pas" + 1) + $11
[2104E6BE]{designide150.bpl} Designer.TDesigner.DoDragCreate (Line 764, "Designer.pas" + 1) + $F
[2104EE98]{designide150.bpl} Designer.TDesigner.DragEnd (Line 928, "Designer.pas" + 19) + $3
[21051474]{designide150.bpl} Designer.TDesigner.MouseUp (Line 1710, "Designer.pas" + 1) + $2
[51B1CCA1]{vcldesigner150.bpl} VCLSurface.MouseEvent (Line 2908, "VCLSurface.pas" + 45) + $11
[5003AC1B]{rtl150.bpl } System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 12537, "System.pas" + 2) + $7
[51B1D87B]{vcldesigner150.bpl} VCLSurface.TVclDesignSurface.IsDesignMsg (Line 3169, "VCLSurface.pas" + 48) + $6
[5027DB90]{vcl150.bpl } Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 6852, "Controls.pas" + 10) + $8
[5003A336]{rtl150.bpl } System.@IsClass (Line 11370, "System.pas" + 1) + $8
[5027DCDB]{vcl150.bpl } Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 6987, "Controls.pas" + 4) + $21
[50357FAE]{vcl150.bpl } Forms.TApplication.WndProc (Line 9352, "Forms.pas" + 98) + $E
[502820C3]{vcl150.bpl } Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Line 9608, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $9
[50282830]{vcl150.bpl } Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 9831, "Controls.pas" + 144) + $6
[5034FB28]{vcl150.bpl } Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 3961, "Forms.pas" + 191) + $5
[223F532B]{delphivclide150.bpl} VCLFormContainer.TControlSizer.ControlWndProc (Line 313, "VCLFormContainer.pas" + 33) + $C
[50281ED0]{vcl150.bpl } Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9552, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
[500AFA64]{rtl150.bpl } Classes.StdWndProc (Line 13491, "Classes.pas" +

+ $0
[50358AF7]{vcl150.bpl } Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 9760, "Forms.pas" + 23) + $1
[50358B3A]{vcl150.bpl } Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 9790, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $4
[50358E65]{vcl150.bpl } Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 9927, "Forms.pas" + 26) + $3
Cheers - Graeme -