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Incorrect font scaling
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:38 pm
by 10051462
Hi all,
I'm having an error in Teechart 2011 on Delphi Xe.
I have 2 pc with windows 7, one with font at 100% (windows -> control panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Display setting -> Font Size) and one with 125%.
To avoid the problem of wrong font scaling, i have disabled scaling in my form (Scaled := False). All components respect this options, and many charts in my form also respect this, but not all.
I have 2 charts with Point Series, with series created dinamically (the other charts that work have static series), and with this all my Marks are proportioned wrong in 125%.
Have tryed also to set Serie1.marks.font.pitch := fpFixed, or set Serie1.marks.font.pixelperinch := 96, but nothing change, always wrong.
Is there an option that i miss that can solve this problem?
Re: Incorrect font scaling
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:52 am
by yeray
Hi sicorspa,
I've tried it with Win 7 x64 and the chart texts seem to behave as the regular TLabel. Find an example attached.
- (757.83 KiB) Downloaded 770 times
If you still have problems with it, don't hesitate to let us know.
Re: Incorrect font scaling
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:00 pm
by 10051462
take your project and set form.scaled to FALSE
i don't want that the marks text is scaled
if you try with scaled to false and try your application with 100% font size (windows 7 option, in windows xp 96dpi) and 125% font size (windows 7 option, in windows xp 120dpi) you will see that the marks text will be scaled up, from 8 pixel height to 10 pixel height.
The form itself isn't scaling, like you can see from the label "My custom label text"
tryed also setting marks.font.pitch := fpFixed, or set marks.font.pixelperinch := 96 but marks are always scaling.
With circle series for example this doens't happen
Re: Incorrect font scaling
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:38 am
by yeray
Hi sicorspa,
Adding this to the project above:
still gives me a bigger label text in 125% than in 100% mode:

- 125% text size
- 125.png (26.37 KiB) Viewed 14579 times

- 100% text size
- 100.png (20.8 KiB) Viewed 14583 times
Re: Incorrect font scaling
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:44 pm
by 10051462
You don't undestand.
Try setting Form.Scaled := FALSE;
The Point Series Scale the marks anyway
Re: Incorrect font scaling
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:09 am
by yeray
I haven't probably explained myself clearly enough.
In my
first reply I forgot setting "Form1.Scaled:=false;".
However, I added it in the
next reply and, as you can see in the first picture, all the texts seem to be bigger, both the TeeChart texts (axes labels, marks, legend items and title) and non TeeChart related texts (the label "M y custom label text", an the form caption "Form1").
So I'm not sure to be able to reproduce the point:
sicorspa wrote:To avoid the problem of wrong font scaling, i have disabled scaling in my form (Scaled := False). All components respect this options, and many charts in my form also respect this, but not all.
With Form1.Scaled:=false, no component seem to be respecting this option for us here in two different machines.
If the attached exe gives you a different result than the shown in the images in the zip, there must be something different in our machines and yours.
Re: Incorrect font scaling
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:18 am
by 10051462
in your attachments there is form.scaled to true
setting it to false give me this
as you see with 120dpi the label "My custom label text" is alway the same dimension as 96dpi, the marks and the legend of the chart instead grow.
I use Delphi XE and teechart pro 2011
If your label "My custom label text" grow in dimension with 120dpi (or 125% in windows 7 style) is because you haven't set form.scaled to false
it's a standard function in delphi and have alvway worked in all versions, so it's not normal that in your system this option don't work
set it in design time, not runtime
Re: Incorrect font scaling
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:38 pm
by yeray
sicorspa wrote:set it in design time, not runtime
This seemed to make the difference for me here.
I've added to the wish list the possibility to add a Scaled property or a ScaleBy function in a future release (TV52016158).
Thanks for reporting and explaining it.
Re: Incorrect font scaling
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:11 am
by 10051462
Thanks for your support
anyway i think it's also a bug that teechart marks don't respect font scaling disabled in point series (it's not so for vertical bar series and pie series for example)