Unfortunately, the installation of the TeeChart Standard VCL component does not work on my system (Delphi XE3 Starter, Windows 8 Pro).
A few days ago, I've already tried to install it (TeeChartStandard2012RADXE3.exe) - unsuccessfully. It said something like the last step of the installation did not work and I should manually start some installation-exe (which didn't work either - with the same error message). Unfortunately I didn't save screenshots of the error messages...
Today, I've tried it again (after having de-installed TeeChart) and now the installation procedure stops immediately after having entered the licence-nr/password with the following message:
Could not load the DLL library
Die angegebene Prozedur wurde nicht gefunden. (MY TRANSLATION: The specified Procedure could not be found)
Any help would be highly appreciated!

Best regards