we recently purchased TeeChart Pro for VCL. In my firts tests with TChart associated tith a TScrollPagerTool I found a strange behaviour. I have uploaded some screenshots to explain it.
When the form is shown it looks like this

Note that the text of thy y-axis is partially cut and that the right edges of both charts are not aligned
When I do something in the chart (zoom, pan), the upper chart "jumps" to the right (width is reduced)

The same happens in the ScrollPager example in the sample programm Tee9New_win32.exe delivered with TeeChart.
When I deactivate the TScrollPagerTool the chart "jumps" back a little bit to the left, but now the right side is cut

BTW: The grid component is a simple TStringGrid with Align=alRight, the Chart has Align=alClient
When I Activate the TScrollPagerTool again, the original situation (y axis label is partially cut) is restored

Another strange thing is that from now on i can deactivate an activate the TScrollPagerTool again and again but no "jump" of the upper chart appears