Strange behaviour of TScrollPagerTool
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 3:19 pm
we recently purchased TeeChart Pro for VCL. In my firts tests with TChart associated tith a TScrollPagerTool I found a strange behaviour. I have uploaded some screenshots to explain it.
When the form is shown it looks like this

Note that the text of thy y-axis is partially cut and that the right edges of both charts are not aligned
When I do something in the chart (zoom, pan), the upper chart "jumps" to the right (width is reduced)

The same happens in the ScrollPager example in the sample programm Tee9New_win32.exe delivered with TeeChart.
When I deactivate the TScrollPagerTool the chart "jumps" back a little bit to the left, but now the right side is cut

BTW: The grid component is a simple TStringGrid with Align=alRight, the Chart has Align=alClient
When I Activate the TScrollPagerTool again, the original situation (y axis label is partially cut) is restored

Another strange thing is that from now on i can deactivate an activate the TScrollPagerTool again and again but no "jump" of the upper chart appears
we recently purchased TeeChart Pro for VCL. In my firts tests with TChart associated tith a TScrollPagerTool I found a strange behaviour. I have uploaded some screenshots to explain it.
When the form is shown it looks like this

Note that the text of thy y-axis is partially cut and that the right edges of both charts are not aligned
When I do something in the chart (zoom, pan), the upper chart "jumps" to the right (width is reduced)

The same happens in the ScrollPager example in the sample programm Tee9New_win32.exe delivered with TeeChart.
When I deactivate the TScrollPagerTool the chart "jumps" back a little bit to the left, but now the right side is cut

BTW: The grid component is a simple TStringGrid with Align=alRight, the Chart has Align=alClient
When I Activate the TScrollPagerTool again, the original situation (y axis label is partially cut) is restored

Another strange thing is that from now on i can deactivate an activate the TScrollPagerTool again and again but no "jump" of the upper chart appears