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Tsurface contour effect
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:04 am
by 16567936
I want to draw a round surface with a hole inside.
The result is not what I expect. There are side effects at the contour.
Is there a way to remove these drawings not very nice and which are not par tof the real surface ?
I joined an example code.
It runs under Delphi XE2 VCL and teechart 2013
Thanks in advance.
Re: Tsurface contour effect
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:49 pm
by yeray
Hello Nicolas,
I'm not sure if this is what you where looking for but if I comment the last AddXYZ call in your code, I get this:

- 2014-04-28_1546.png (181.55 KiB) Viewed 4687 times
Code: Select all
n := 10;
for i := -n to n do
for j := -n to n do
r := sqrt(sqr(i)+sqr(j));
if (r<=n) then
if (r>4) then
Series1.AddXYZ(i, Cos(2*pi*r/n), j);
end else
Series1.AddXYZ(i, 0, j, '', clNone);
end else
// Series1.AddXYZ(i, 0, j, '', clNone);
If this is not what you where trying to draw, please try to highlight what exact polygons you find to be not expected given the data you've entered.
Thanks in advance.
Re: Tsurface contour effect
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:23 am
by 16567936
Thank you for your answer, it's what I want to get. I want too that the contour of the hole inside has not this effect.

- HoleEffect.png (137.6 KiB) Viewed 4672 times
I tried your correction, but I've got a violation access (I just comment the last AddXYZ line).
Maybe I have a wrong installation because if I don't fill all the points of the series (it means 10x10 points), I have this access violation.
First I've just wanted to add points where the data are valid.

- ViolationAccess.png (21.52 KiB) Viewed 4676 times
I think it should be possible to fill the series with any number of points. So I don't understand this behavior.
My goal is to draw a surface in which there are holes with any number of points.
Re: Tsurface contour effect
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:38 am
by yeray
Hi Nicolas,
If I remove another line I get this:

- 2014-04-29_1232.png (152.13 KiB) Viewed 4660 times
Here is the code I have:
Code: Select all
procedure TForm2.BDisplayClick(Sender: TObject);
var i, j : integer;
n : integer;
r : double;
n := 10;
for i := -n to n do
for j := -n to n do
r := sqrt(sqr(i)+sqr(j));
if (r<=n) then
if (r>4) then
Series1.AddXYZ(i, Cos(2*pi*r/n), j);
end; {else
Series1.AddXYZ(i, 0, j, '', clNone);}
end; {else
Series1.AddXYZ(i, 0, j, '', clNone);}
And here the complete project:
Maybe you are not using the latest TeeChart version, are you?
What IDE are you using?
You could also try setting IrregularGrid to true. See
this for more info on how to populate this kind of series.
Re: Tsurface contour effect
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:22 am
by 16567936
I was using Delphi XE2 with Teechart VCL 2013.
I installed the new version 2014 of Teechart for XE2 and it solved my issue of violation access.
Now I will try to customize my drawing by removing the line and by smoothing the colors between cells.
Thank you for your answers.
Best regards