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Older PolarSeries not compatible with TeeChart 2015
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:04 pm
by 16570886
I'm just upgrading my software from Teechart Pro 8 to TeeChart Pro 2015.
When loading charts generated with TeeChart 8 with PolarSeries in TeeChart 2015 the data points of the PolarSeries are not recognized correctly.
To reproduce the behaviour I generated one polarseries with TeeChart Office 3.0 and saved it as Polar 2007.tee
Then I opened it with TeeChart Office 4.1.
In the attached picture you can see the difference between opening the same chart with the older and newer version of TeeChart.
When looking at the data it is obvious that the angle and values of the points are not the same anymore.

- PolarSeries 8 - 2015.jpg (359.07 KiB) Viewed 8669 times
Best regards
Re: Older PolarSeries not compatible with TeeChart 2015
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:57 am
by yeray
Hello Heinz,
I've added a ticket in the public tracker:
Re: Older PolarSeries not compatible with TeeChart 2015
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:44 am
by 16570886
Hello Yeray,
many thanks for your confirmation that it is a bug, but we do have a lot of polar data produced with TeeChart 8.
Is there any chance to get a workaround or a suggestion for modifying the sourcecode?
Would exchanging the current TeePolar-unit with the old one be a solution to be compatible with the old data or would this cause problems in other areas?
There are some properties regarding the axes changed in the PolarSeries which will cause confusion:
F.E. with TeeChart 8 the properties BottomAxis.Logarithmic and BottomAxis.Inverted had no influence on a chart with a PolarSeries and in my projects BottomAxis was always set to Not visible.
But with the current version these properties do affect the chart even if the BottomAxis is not shown. So when in the old charts these properties are checked because they had no negative effect to the resulting chart the charts imported with Teechart 2015 will look strange to the user.
Best regards
Re: Older PolarSeries not compatible with TeeChart 2015
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:07 am
by 16570886
Hello Yeray,
the problem has it's origin in the TeEngine-Unit and the procedure ReadSeriesPoint. Modifying "read the rest of list values" as described in the attachement allows to read old and new polar data,
but I do not yet know how to differentiate reliable if the data is older than v9 or not.

- TeEngine.jpg (112.64 KiB) Viewed 8582 times
Do you have a suggestion for the if-statement to work properly for all series?
Best regards
Re: Older PolarSeries not compatible with TeeChart 2015
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:47 am
by yeray
Hi Heinz,
SE_KG wrote:Is there any chance to get a workaround or a suggestion for modifying the sourcecode?
Would exchanging the current TeePolar-unit with the old one be a solution to be compatible with the old data or would this cause problems in other areas?
I'm afraid I can't tell you a workaround for it. Substituting the TeePolar unit in TeeChart v2015.16 for the old version shipped with TeeChart v8 doesn't compile.
Note you can add your mail to the CC list to be automatically notified when an update arrives.
SE_KG wrote:There are some properties regarding the axes changed in the PolarSeries which will cause confusion:
F.E. with TeeChart 8 the properties BottomAxis.Logarithmic and BottomAxis.Inverted had no influence on a chart with a PolarSeries and in my projects BottomAxis was always set to Not visible.
But with the current version these properties do affect the chart even if the BottomAxis is not shown. So when in the old charts these properties are checked because they had no negative effect to the resulting chart the charts imported with Teechart 2015 will look strange to the user.
I'm not sure to understand why these properties where stored if you expected them to do nothing. But anyway, you could force them to have the values you wish after loading your tee files, isn't it? Ie somthing like this:
Code: Select all
if Chart1[0] is TPolarSeries then
SE_KG wrote:the problem has it's origin in the TeEngine-Unit and the procedure ReadSeriesPoint. Modifying "read the rest of list values" as described in the attachement allows to read old and new polar data,
but I do not yet know how to differentiate reliable if the data is older than v9 or not.
Do you have a suggestion for the if-statement to work properly for all series?
I'm not sure that's the best way to fix this but your investigations may help us to find a solution for that ticket, so I'd like to thank you for sharing them.