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TAnnotationTool AutoSize
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:00 pm
by 9339785
I have a pb when I set the property AutoSize of TAnnotationTool to TRUE .
The values returned by the properties height and width of the TAnnotationTool are always wrong (even TAnnotationTool.Shape.height and TAnnotationTool.Shape.width).
So how can I know the height and width of the TAnnotationTool ?
Thanks in advance.
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 5:19 pm
by Pep
Hi ,
you can read TAnnotationTool->Shape->ShapeBounds rectangle to
get annotatiton tool bounding rectangle. The rest is easy :
TRect r = AnnotationTool->Shape->ShapeBounds;
Width = r.Right - r.Left;
Height = r.Bottom - r.Top;
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:02 am
by 9339785
Thanks Pep,
The solution was quite easy .... but I've not found it

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:23 am
by 9339785
I wrote too quickly ... the solution you gave to me is not good because r.Right and r.Bottom are always null !
Any ideas?
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 3:47 pm
by Pep
this depends in which event you place the code, it works fine placing it in the OnAfterDraw event.
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:53 am
by 9339785
Hi Pep,
I tested the value of AnnotationTool->Shape->Right and AnnotationTool->Shape->Bottom in the OnAfterDraw event and I always found 0 (perhaps due to the property AUTOSIZE = TRUE).
The only solution I have found is to recalculate manually the height and width of the AnnotationTool, like the function MultiLineTextWidth() into the unit TeEngine.pas. For the moment this solution is acceptable for me.