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How to insert an image?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:09 am
by 16494694
Image ???

How to use the Insert Image button???

Re: How to insert an image?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:41 am
by yeray

There are basically two options. You may have the image file in your disk or the url to an image.
In both situations, the actions are made while writing a reply in these phpbb forums.

Image from disk

You can upload the image to any external service (ie imgur, imgbb,...), but you can also attach the image (or files) directly to this forum.

To attach an image to this forum you can just drag the image from file explorer to the writing area.
Alternatively, you can select the "Attachments" tab bellow the writing area, click "Add files" button and navigate to the image file in the file explorer.

Once the image is uploaded, the image file is listed in the "Attachments" tab:
firefox_UVv6wZ27e3.png (12.81 KiB) Viewed 14524 times
Then you can just click the "Place inline" button to insert the image to the post. Note the image will be inserted at the current position of your cursor in the writing area.
This results in something like this:

Code: Select all

Note you are free to move that to any part of your text.

Also read the official documentation about attachments in the phpbb site here.

Image from an url

If you already have the url to the image, you don't need to attach it here.
When you click on the "Insert image" button, the following is automatically written for you:

Code: Select all

Then you can paste the url of the image between the [img][/img] tags. Ie:

Code: Select all


In both scenarios, when the post is displayed (or previewed), the phpbb forums interpret the [attachment=*][/attachment] and [img][/img] tags and changes them to the html <img> tag to show them in the browser: