problem with TeeChart, QuickReport and CBuilder 5
Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 7:06 pm
I just installed TeeChart 7.03, with already existed Quick Report 3.6.2 and CBuilder 5.0.
In my project, I need to show the chart in a Quick Report. The application will open a Data Range Selection Form first, then show the report if the user click the Preview Button. Everything is fine, but when I try to close the whole applicaiton, I got a error message, Win32 error code 1400, Invalid Window Handle.
If I removed the chart from the report, everything works fine.
I do find a reply about this problem, but I am not sure whether it has been solved in version 7.03. ... 0c0000.htm
From: Josep Lluis
Subject: Re: QuickReport (Pro) + QRChart (newest) + D6 Pro (all updates) = EOSError
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 12:27:19 +0200
Newsgroup: public.teechart5.delphi
Hi Thomas,
yes, it seems to be a bug in the Qrtee.pas :
Function TQRDBChart.GetRectangle:TRect;
Var tmpZoomFactor : Double;
if Parent<>nil then
With TQRChart(Parent) do
if (ParentReport<>nil) then tmpZoomFactor:=100.0/ParentReport.Zoom
else tmpZoomFactor:=1;
{ result:=Rect(0,0, Round(ClientWidth*tmpZoomFactor),
Round(ClientHeight*tmpZoomFactor) ); }
result:=Rect(0,0, Round(Width*tmpZoomFactor),
Round(Height*tmpZoomFactor) );
In brackets the trouble making code sequence, below the sequence
that works
You should change this and compile again the QrChart sources.
Best Regards
Josep Lluis Jorge
[email protected]
"dk_sz" wrote in message news:1eznlW4IDHA.488@TEEPC...
> I have QuickReport Pro 3.62 (and TeeChart Standard 4.04 - the one with D6
> Pro).
> This makes QR incompatible with the normal Borland/Steema QRChart
> to do with packages).
> However, one can download (as I have done) the source for QRChart here:
> ... Additional
> and recompile + install (I have followed all the intructions etc.).
> I have then placed QRChart on a SubDetail band (with OnNeedData ->
> MoreData sometimes True or False in different tests to see if that
> Now in runtime I then preview report. Everything looks as expected etc. I
> close app and get following error
> (and remember, I do not get any error if I in report-form-designer remove
> the
> QRChart from the subdetail and then try above):
> In line 12342 in SysUtils I get:
> Exception class EOSError with message:
> SystemError. Code. 1400:
> (translated from Danish to English ->) "Invalid windows-handle".
> Am I missing something obvious I should check or..?
> I have checked and tryed above with new/simple reports resulting in same
> error.
> Is this problem unknown if one uses the standard QR-stuff?
> * In that case I will email QUSoft (after some further testing).
> Will it help buying the newsest version of TeeChart? Can anyone comfirm
> that?
> best regards
> Thomas Schulz
In my project, I need to show the chart in a Quick Report. The application will open a Data Range Selection Form first, then show the report if the user click the Preview Button. Everything is fine, but when I try to close the whole applicaiton, I got a error message, Win32 error code 1400, Invalid Window Handle.
If I removed the chart from the report, everything works fine.
I do find a reply about this problem, but I am not sure whether it has been solved in version 7.03. ... 0c0000.htm
From: Josep Lluis
Subject: Re: QuickReport (Pro) + QRChart (newest) + D6 Pro (all updates) = EOSError
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 12:27:19 +0200
Newsgroup: public.teechart5.delphi
Hi Thomas,
yes, it seems to be a bug in the Qrtee.pas :
Function TQRDBChart.GetRectangle:TRect;
Var tmpZoomFactor : Double;
if Parent<>nil then
With TQRChart(Parent) do
if (ParentReport<>nil) then tmpZoomFactor:=100.0/ParentReport.Zoom
else tmpZoomFactor:=1;
{ result:=Rect(0,0, Round(ClientWidth*tmpZoomFactor),
Round(ClientHeight*tmpZoomFactor) ); }
result:=Rect(0,0, Round(Width*tmpZoomFactor),
Round(Height*tmpZoomFactor) );
In brackets the trouble making code sequence, below the sequence
that works
You should change this and compile again the QrChart sources.
Best Regards
Josep Lluis Jorge
[email protected]
"dk_sz" wrote in message news:1eznlW4IDHA.488@TEEPC...
> I have QuickReport Pro 3.62 (and TeeChart Standard 4.04 - the one with D6
> Pro).
> This makes QR incompatible with the normal Borland/Steema QRChart
> to do with packages).
> However, one can download (as I have done) the source for QRChart here:
> ... Additional
> and recompile + install (I have followed all the intructions etc.).
> I have then placed QRChart on a SubDetail band (with OnNeedData ->
> MoreData sometimes True or False in different tests to see if that
> Now in runtime I then preview report. Everything looks as expected etc. I
> close app and get following error
> (and remember, I do not get any error if I in report-form-designer remove
> the
> QRChart from the subdetail and then try above):
> In line 12342 in SysUtils I get:
> Exception class EOSError with message:
> SystemError. Code. 1400:
> (translated from Danish to English ->) "Invalid windows-handle".
> Am I missing something obvious I should check or..?
> I have checked and tryed above with new/simple reports resulting in same
> error.
> Is this problem unknown if one uses the standard QR-stuff?
> * In that case I will email QUSoft (after some further testing).
> Will it help buying the newsest version of TeeChart? Can anyone comfirm
> that?
> best regards
> Thomas Schulz