Using stacked area series with a transparent series
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:57 am
When I use the code below, I have two problems:
1. The right hand side of the transparent series is not transparent (it shows in 3D)
2. When I save the chart as an EMF file, the first series is no longer transparent; it is visible. PNG format and BMP format save the image as shown.
I'm not sure if my approach to a floating area chart is correct, but this is what almost works
1. The right hand side of the transparent series is not transparent (it shows in 3D)
2. When I save the chart as an EMF file, the first series is no longer transparent; it is visible. PNG format and BMP format save the image as shown.
I'm not sure if my approach to a floating area chart is correct, but this is what almost works

Code: Select all
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
S,V: integer;
Series: TAreaSeries;
for S := 1 to 3
do begin
Series := TAreaSeries.Create(Chart1);
Series.MultiArea := maStacked;
Series.AreaLinesPen.Visible := false;
Series.LinePen.Visible := false;
if S = 1
Series.Transparency := 100;
for V := 1 to 6
do begin
if S = 1
Series.AddY(10 * s + Sqr(v), IntToStr(V))
Series.AddY(Sqr(S + v), IntToStr(V))