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Problems installing TeeChartPro v7.06 under Delphi D7
Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 8:42 pm
by 9344732
I just did a standard install of v7.06 of TeeChart Pro under Delphi 7 professional, which succeeded.
Now when I start Delphi, I get a whole bunch of error messages like:
'Can't load package DclTee77.bpl. Cannot load package 'Tee77'. It contains unit 'TeeAbout' , which is aso contained in package 'tee70'.'
'Can't load package DclTree2D7Tee7.bpl. Cannot load package 'Tee77'. It contains unit 'TeeAbout' , which is aso contained in package 'tee70'.'
I have tried to remove package dcltee70.bpl (standard teechart) from the default package list before doing the install, but it does not help.
The QuickReport package is not installed, so I do not see where the problem comes from.
There is a post 'TeeChartPro D7 Installation Problem' from august 2004 that seems totally similar, and the suggestion there is:
'Basically, the problem is usually Delphi is still using/referencing one of the packages which requires old TeeChart version. In all cases the solution is to find offending package and replace it with version which was compiled/requires Teechart v7 i.e. *Tee77* packages.'
I think that for a component set that costs over EUR400, I am entitled to a bit more than that simple answer...
So, how am I supposed to proceed to identify the 'offending' package, without spending all night on it?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:40 am
by narcis
Hi optima,
This problema means that your Delphi 7 is still referencing its TeeChart standard packages.
You should follow the steps below:
1) Open Delphi 7 and make sure that TeeChart Standard packages are not activated on the package list (project -> options -> packages). If so, disable them and remove/backup them.
2) Go to the search path list at project -> options -> directories/conditionals and check that the new TeeChart version "Lib" and "Bin" folders are in the list and that they are on top of the list. If not, add and put them on top of the list.
3) Go to the package list again and enable all TeeChart Pro v7 packages.
4) Enable the left-bottom "Default" checkbox and press the "OK" button.
5) Exit Delphi 7 and run it again.
Now you should have TeeChart working properly on your Delphi 7. If you are still having any problem please post it here.
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 10:04 am
by 9344732
OK, this is what I had to do to make it (kind of) work:
1) Before installing TeeChartPro, go to Project > Options > Packages (default) or to Component > Install Packages and click Remove 'TeeChart Components' (package $(DELPHI)\Bin\DclTee70.bpl)
2) When asked to remove runtime packages teedb and teeui, answer yes
3) Close Delphi
4) Install TeeChart Pro v7.06
5) Start Delphi (complains with the whole bunch of messages described before, answer yes to the question to try loading the next time)
6) Go to Tools > Environment Options > Library > Library Path and move TeeChart Pro Delphi 7\Lib to top of the list (before $(DELPHI)\Lib and $(DELPHI)\bin)
7) Go to Project > Options > Directories/Conditionals > Search Path (default) and move TeeChart Pro Delphi 7\Lib to top of the list
8) Restart Delphi: no more complaints, but the components are not visible on the palette.
9) Go to Project > Options > Packages (default) and enable TeeChart 7 (Pro) components.
There is still a compatibility problem with FastReport components (version 2.5 and version 3). I can either enable TeeChart Pro 7 or FastReport, but not both: I get a message 'Cannot load package 'tee70'. It contains unit 'TeeAbout' which is also contained in package 'Tee77''. I guess that this indicates that the FastReport components rely on the Standard version of TeeChart.
How can I make sure that both package can work together?
Finally, there is still a problem with TeeChart Pro 7 Components and TeeChart Pro Graphic Formats packages: although they are checked as default packages, they become automatically disabled every time I restart Delphi and need to be manually re-activated every time! What is wrong?
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 10:29 am
by narcis
Hi optima,
There is still a compatibility problem with FastReport components (version 2.5 and version 3). I can either enable TeeChart Pro 7 or FastReport, but not both: I get a message 'Cannot load package 'tee70'. It contains unit 'TeeAbout' which is also contained in package 'Tee77''. I guess that this indicates that the FastReport components rely on the Standard version of TeeChart.
How can I make sure that both package can work together?
First you should check with Fast Reports developing company if the Fast Reports version you own works with TeeChart v7 as they are the ones who create the Fast Reports wrapper for TeeChart. The installation procedure could be as with Report Builder:
1) Uninstall old TeeChart and Fast Reports (FR) versions
2) Install the latest TeeChart.
3) Install FR which works with TeeChart.
4) If needed, recompile/reinstall FR for TeeChart wrapper packages (again, check with FR about correct procedure).
Finally, there is still a problem with TeeChart Pro 7 Components and TeeChart Pro Graphic Formats packages: although they are checked as default packages, they become automatically disabled every time I restart Delphi and need to be manually re-activated every time! What is wrong?
Does this even happen when enabling the Project > Options left-top "Default" checkbox?
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:50 pm
by 9344732
There is still a compatibility problem with FastReport components (version 2.5 and version 3). I can either enable TeeChart Pro 7 or FastReport, but not both: I get a message 'Cannot load package 'tee70'. It contains unit 'TeeAbout' which is also contained in package 'Tee77''. I guess that this indicates that the FastReport components rely on the Standard version of TeeChart.
How can I make sure that both package can work together?
Well, I figured that the FastReport website would be the place to search.
Here is the link (so that everyone can benefit) to the topic dealing with that problem: ... wtopic=650
It is a bit outdated (FastReport is now version 2.5.5) but basically, the procedure is similar:
1) Go to Component > Install Packages and Remove 'FastReport Components' package (fr7.bpl)
2) fr7.dpk already includes an entry for TeeChart 7 Pro, so you only need to modify
Open (found in YOUR_INSTALL_PATH\FastReport\LibD7\) in notepad and uncomment line 124:
//------------------- TeeChart Pro 7 component --------------------
// If you have TeeChart 7, uncomment the following line:
{$DEFINE TeeChart7}
3) Open fr7.dpk package (found in YOUR_INSTALL_PATH\FastReport\LibD7\) in Delphi then Compile and Install.
That's all.
Now concerning the TeeChart Pro set of components disabled every time I restart Delphi:
Does this even happen when enabling the Project > Options left-top "Default" checkbox?
Yes, this is with the default option checked. And if I try the alternative way via the Component > Install Packages menu (going directly to project defaults), I have the same behavior. I also tried doing a File > Close All before going to Project > Options (thus also enabling default options automatically): same thing.
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:01 pm
by 9344732
Finally, there is still a problem with TeeChart Pro 7 Components and TeeChart Pro Graphic Formats packages: although they are checked as default packages, they become automatically disabled every time I restart Delphi and need to be manually re-activated every time! What is wrong?
Well, strangely enough, I have now installed TeeChart Pro on another computer (same OS: WinXP Pro, same version of Delphi: 7 Pro), and this problem does not reproduce. Any idea what could cause this?
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:58 am
by Pep
Hi Optima,
it's really strange. Have you tried to start Delphi, close all projects, go to component isntall packages, activate the packages, and then close Delphi ?
This should save the default packages.
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:19 pm
by 9344732
Have you tried to start Delphi, close all projects, go to component isntall packages, activate the packages, and then close Delphi ?
This should save the default packages.
Yes, I've tried that, and it does not help. All pro packages are deactivated the next time I start Delphi. I also checked that the user account has admin rights etc. So, really I don't have a clue here...
I suppose the typical M$ approach would be: try with a fresh install of windows and the rest... but I don't have time for that kind of game.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:48 am
by Pep
Hi optima,
yes, could be a M$ approach...
I've been doing some tests here, could you please try do the following in order to see if it solves the problem.. ?
Just make sure that you have a copy of all the design time packages (DclTee..*) in the Windows\System32, if not copy them into it. Then open Delphi go to Component -> Install Packages, remove all the TeeChart packages from the list, and add them again , but from the \windows\system32 directory, check the "Default" checkbox, and try to close and open again the Dephi to see if have been saved.