Synchronize series
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:52 am
I want to synchronize two or more series in one chart, like the "Axis_MultiScroll.pas" or "Axis_MultiRuntime.pas" example. But my series has different counts of values:
The first and last value on series is always same...
Is there way to "synchronize" two series? I want to set the series which has less values to showing proportional...
I try setting minmax, and incremental, but it doesnt works...
Sorry my poor english
, but my native language is pascal.
I want to synchronize two or more series in one chart, like the "Axis_MultiScroll.pas" or "Axis_MultiRuntime.pas" example. But my series has different counts of values:
Code: Select all
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject) ;
I : Integer ;
D : TDateTime ;
D := Now ;
for I := 0 to 100 do
Series1.AddXY(D + I, Random(100)) ;
for I := 0 to 200 do
Series2.AddXY(D + I, Random(100)) ;
Series1.AddXY(D + I, 100) ;
Series1.CustomVertAxis := Chart1.CustomAxes.Items[0] ;
Series2.CustomVertAxis := Chart1.CustomAxes.Items[1] ;
end ;
Is there way to "synchronize" two series? I want to set the series which has less values to showing proportional...
I try setting minmax, and incremental, but it doesnt works...
Sorry my poor english