Nearest Point tool has a bad behavior in BoxPlot chart
Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 2:35 pm
"Nearest point" tool used in a BoxPlot chart containing more than one BoxPlot (at different positions). The "Nearest Point" tool seems to work horizontally instead of vertically (BoxPlot works like a "vertical" series).
Steps to reproduce :
- Create a chart containing two or more BoxPlot at different positions
- Add one "Nearest point" tool associated to one the BoxPlot series
- Compile, run
- Move your mouse over chart and observe "Nearest point" works horizontally
How can I resolve this problem?
Best regards

- Create a chart containing two or more BoxPlot at different positions
- Add one "Nearest point" tool associated to one the BoxPlot series
- Compile, run
- Move your mouse over chart and observe "Nearest point" works horizontally

Best regards