Problems with TSurfaceSeries and GetColor
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 8:58 pm
I have a problem with "wrong/bad" colors in tSurfaceSeries.
I Use tSurfaceSeries.getColor to get a Color for each point of the graph.
The procedure is very simple:
(UseColorFkt just returns a value/color in dependency of the input-value)
Lets start with 1st picture:

As you see the left and right sides (100% identical data) have not the
same colors! I think thats the problem of GetColor and using just 1 point
(Series1.YValue[ValueIndex]) in that function. But how to make it look okay?
2nd problem:

Here you see that hard changes in color.
What is wanted here is a smooth color that just depends of the height!
Of course i could "solve" that problems by inserting many pseudo-points -
but that costs memory and MUCH time when rendering. So just Adding
new points is not a real solution.
Better ideas?
(Idea ???: A perfect solution could ask me for every pixel for its color)
Steffen Strueber
PS: TeeChart Pro 7.06
I have a problem with "wrong/bad" colors in tSurfaceSeries.
I Use tSurfaceSeries.getColor to get a Color for each point of the graph.
The procedure is very simple:
Code: Select all
procedure TFGraph3D.Series1GetColor(Sender: TChartSeries; ValueIndex: Integer; var Color: TColor);
Lets start with 1st picture:

As you see the left and right sides (100% identical data) have not the
same colors! I think thats the problem of GetColor and using just 1 point
(Series1.YValue[ValueIndex]) in that function. But how to make it look okay?
2nd problem:

Here you see that hard changes in color.
What is wanted here is a smooth color that just depends of the height!
Of course i could "solve" that problems by inserting many pseudo-points -
but that costs memory and MUCH time when rendering. So just Adding
new points is not a real solution.
Better ideas?
(Idea ???: A perfect solution could ask me for every pixel for its color)
Steffen Strueber
PS: TeeChart Pro 7.06