Loading data from a text file... how?

TeeChart VCL for Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder.
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Loading data from a text file... how?

Post by NoName » Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:22 am

maybe I'm dumb, but I can't load a text file data into a chart.

I use Delphi 6 and TeeChart Pro 6.01.
I simply put a Tchart (Pie chart) on a form, and clicked on:
Series -> Data Source -> Text File
In the [Source] tab, I clicked "Web URL", and confirmed the default value "http://www.steema.com/test.txt".
Then, I clicked "Load" button. The system is busy for a few seconds, and then nothing happened. I click the "Apply" button. Nothing again.

If I look at the [Data] page, I see there are 5 lines (from 0 to 4), absolutely empty.

The data are comma-separated, I see, and I choosed "Separtor: Comma" from the listbox in the [Fields] tab.

So, what am I doing wrong?

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Post by Pep » Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:38 am


have you read the following article which show you how you can do this ? :
http://www.teechart.net/support/modules ... =0&thold=0

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Post by NoName » Wed Mar 10, 2004 1:54 pm

Now I read it :D

Ok, my mistake was I didn't set which number of column to take, for X and Y values (I thought it was sequetial, automatically).

thank you.

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