incorrect (no) display of bezier series
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:42 pm
When try to draw a 2D bezier, there is no line in the chart.
If switching to 3D, there is a 2D "border" line in the chart.
I need a correct display of a 2D bezier curve!
To demonstrate the false behaviour just take a look to the "Teechartgdiplus.exe", you can download (on 20th of april 2007) at steema site or just click this Link to Demo.
1. Extract and execute the Teechartgdiplus.exe file;
2. on coming up window click the edit button (the 7th button just right of "3D" button);
(the "Edting Chart1" window appears; Series1 is marked;)
4. press button "Change...";
5. on new "TeeChart Gallery" window press tab "Extended";
6. on panel "Extended" press "Bezier";
7. close "TeeChart Gallery" window by clicking on "OK" button;
8. close "Edting Chart1" window by clicking on "close" button;
9. now you see a 2D bezier curve, but it should be drawn as 3D;
10. click button "3D" to deactivate it and the curve vanishes;
11. click button "3D" again to reactivate the 2D curve, which should be the 3D one;
12. click radio button GDI+ and wonder about the displayed things
When you view the "Bezier" sample on the "Extended" tab panel on the "TeeChart Gallery" window, you see the same behaviour, if you toggle 3D.
How to fix this
If switching to 3D, there is a 2D "border" line in the chart.
I need a correct display of a 2D bezier curve!
To demonstrate the false behaviour just take a look to the "Teechartgdiplus.exe", you can download (on 20th of april 2007) at steema site or just click this Link to Demo.
1. Extract and execute the Teechartgdiplus.exe file;
2. on coming up window click the edit button (the 7th button just right of "3D" button);
(the "Edting Chart1" window appears; Series1 is marked;)
4. press button "Change...";
5. on new "TeeChart Gallery" window press tab "Extended";
6. on panel "Extended" press "Bezier";
7. close "TeeChart Gallery" window by clicking on "OK" button;
8. close "Edting Chart1" window by clicking on "close" button;
9. now you see a 2D bezier curve, but it should be drawn as 3D;

10. click button "3D" to deactivate it and the curve vanishes;

11. click button "3D" again to reactivate the 2D curve, which should be the 3D one;
12. click radio button GDI+ and wonder about the displayed things

When you view the "Bezier" sample on the "Extended" tab panel on the "TeeChart Gallery" window, you see the same behaviour, if you toggle 3D.
How to fix this