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Change vertical Position of a single Marks
Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 3:23 pm
by 8576420

Hi NG,
i would like to change the vertical Position of a single Marks within a series so that if there multiple series displayed with marks, i can change the marks position of every displayed point above or beneath the TFastline.
Any idea how i can achive this ??
Im Using Teechart V6.01 on Delphi 5 Enterprise
Thanks in advance
Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 5:46 pm
by Pep
Hi Michael,
you can use the Drag Marks tool or change the Marks positions by code using something like the folloiwng code :
Code: Select all
var i: Integer;
for i := 0 to Series1.Marks.Positions.Count - 1 do
with Series1.Marks.Positions.Position[i] do
Custom := true;
LeftTop.x := Series1.CalcXPos(i);
Please note that series marks are created when chart is drawn for the first time. If you'll try to access TSeriesMark.Positions before chart (and arks) is drawn for the first time, you'll trigger AV error.