Bug(?): PieChart exploding slices together when grouped
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:47 pm
Notice: what you are going to read is really weird. But really really weird!
So, give it attention only if you don't have anything more important to do...
I'm using Delphi 6 Update Pack 2, with TeeChartPro v6.01
I have a PieSeries chart, with 33 (manual) values. All values are positive.
I grouped slices when below 1%, ok.
Now... if I drag a slice... then other slices are dragged, too!! 
But please, don't alarm: I tried to reproduce the bug using a new form, putting a TChart component, setting values and grouping slice: everything works fine.
But the chart that I'm working on my "production" project, still has the bug.
So, I exported the chart, and imported it in my brand new test application: TA-DAAA!
the bug is reproduced!
Well, my conclusion is that bug shows because other variables or settings. If you want to try, here is the text object code.
1) From Delphi, create a new form, and go into Text mode ("View as text" by right-click on the form)
2) Just before the last "end", paste the following:
3) Right click anywhere in the text, and choose "View as Form" to return to design mode.
4) Add a TeeCommander to the form, set its Panel property to Chart1.
5) Run the application. Click the "Edit" button on the TeeCommander.
6) Set to group slices below 1 %
7) Drag the bigger light-green slice (located on the right-bottom)...
There are SIX slices moving! COOL!!
Well... I can't understant where the problem is, since I tried to insert values manually, on a brand new chart, grouping slices... but everything works fine.
I also tried to copy only the "Data" part, on a brand new PieChart, and everything works, only the light-green slice is moving.
But if you try with the above chart, the bug shows.
So, give it attention only if you don't have anything more important to do...
I'm using Delphi 6 Update Pack 2, with TeeChartPro v6.01
I have a PieSeries chart, with 33 (manual) values. All values are positive.
I grouped slices when below 1%, ok.

But please, don't alarm: I tried to reproduce the bug using a new form, putting a TChart component, setting values and grouping slice: everything works fine.
But the chart that I'm working on my "production" project, still has the bug.
So, I exported the chart, and imported it in my brand new test application: TA-DAAA!

Well, my conclusion is that bug shows because other variables or settings. If you want to try, here is the text object code.
1) From Delphi, create a new form, and go into Text mode ("View as text" by right-click on the form)
2) Just before the last "end", paste the following:
Code: Select all
object Chart1: TChart
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 385
Height = 327
AllowPanning = pmNone
BackImageMode = pbmTile
BackWall.Gradient.EndColor = clGray
BackWall.Gradient.Visible = True
BackWall.Size = 6
BackWall.Transparent = False
BottomWall.Size = 6
Gradient.Direction = gdRadial
Gradient.EndColor = 13160660
LeftWall.Size = 6
Legend.Alignment = laTop
Legend.ColorWidth = 15
Legend.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Legend.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Legend.Gradient.Direction = gdTopBottom
Legend.Gradient.StartColor = 13684944
Legend.Gradient.Visible = True
Legend.Inverted = True
Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 2
Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 2
Legend.ShapeStyle = fosRoundRectangle
Legend.Symbol.DefaultPen = False
Legend.Symbol.Width = 15
Legend.Symbol.WidthUnits = lcsPixels
Legend.TopPos = 0
Legend.Transparency = 30
Legend.Visible = False
PrintProportional = False
RightWall.Size = 6
Title.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Title.Font.Color = 11141120
Title.Font.Height = -13
Title.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Title.Font.Style = [fsBold]
Title.Font.Gradient.Outline = True
Title.Text.Strings = (
'Pie Chart Test')
Chart3DPercent = 19
View3DOptions.Elevation = 315
View3DOptions.Orthogonal = False
View3DOptions.Perspective = 0
View3DOptions.Rotation = 360
View3DOptions.ZoomText = False
Zoom.Allow = False
Zoom.Brush.Style = bsSolid
Zoom.Pen.Color = clGray
Color = 14278369
TabOrder = 0
PrintMargins = (
object Series1: TPieSeries
Marks.Arrow.Color = clBlack
Marks.Arrow.EndStyle = esFlat
Marks.Arrow.Visible = False
Marks.ArrowLength = -30
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Callout.Arrow.Color = clBlack
Marks.Callout.Arrow.EndStyle = esFlat
Marks.Callout.Arrow.Visible = False
Marks.Callout.Distance = 15
Marks.Callout.Length = -30
Marks.Font.Gradient.StartColor = 4194368
Marks.Frame.Visible = False
Marks.Gradient.Direction = gdTopBottom
Marks.Gradient.EndColor = 15269887
Marks.Gradient.StartColor = 12648447
Marks.Gradient.Visible = True
Marks.ShapeStyle = fosRoundRectangle
Marks.Style = smsLabelPercent
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = clRed
Title = 'Portafoglio'
Circled = True
OtherSlice.Legend.Visible = False
OtherSlice.Text = 'Altro'
OtherSlice.Value = 1
PiePen.Visible = False
PieValues.Name = 'Pie'
PieValues.Order = loAscending
RotationAngle = 90
Data = {
4) Add a TeeCommander to the form, set its Panel property to Chart1.
5) Run the application. Click the "Edit" button on the TeeCommander.
6) Set to group slices below 1 %
7) Drag the bigger light-green slice (located on the right-bottom)...

Well... I can't understant where the problem is, since I tried to insert values manually, on a brand new chart, grouping slices... but everything works fine.
I also tried to copy only the "Data" part, on a brand new PieChart, and everything works, only the light-green slice is moving.
But if you try with the above chart, the bug shows.