Exploded slice appears wrong
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:01 am
Professor Narcís...
(using D7 with TeeChart 7.12)
I am having a problem with exploded slices. I've been battling it for three days. Don Quixote had better luck with windmills than I am with this one....
It's exactly the same issue a user described in a post in the .NET group (http://www.teechart.net/support/viewtopic.php?t=2339). In fact, I originally posted this to that thread, but noticed after the submission it was the wrong group.. DOH! Sorry for the confusion. The issue there, however, is precisely what I'm experiencing.
I noticed something that may help shed some light on the issue.
I can reproduce this (mis)behavior .. by having... and perhaps this is quite important... YValues.Order set to loNone.
Oh, another piece of the puzzle. I cause the slices to explode not by using ExplodeBiggest, but by manually setting at run time, based on various conditions, the <PieSeries.>ExplodedSlice[] array.
I'm going to bet Tony had <PieSeries.>YValues.Order set to loNone, and was manually setting the <PieSeries.>ExplodedSlice[] array as well? Tony, you watching? Actually, I posted a follow-up to the .NET thread, so we'll see.
Change YValues.Order to, say, loAscending, add the slices, do the Sort, and things will behave...Smile Switch it back to loNone, and the problem reappears.
Narcís, has this been fixed, and I'm just slow to update, or is this still an ongoing issue? I'm kind of excited to see Tony with the same issue, I know I'm not nuts now. I've read through the documentation, FAQ's, Posts, and this is the closest I've come to seeing someone else with my problem.
Oh, and additional question. I noticed at http://www.berneda.com/TeeChart6Docs/TS ... eList.html it says TSliceValueList "Contains the collection list of exploded slices and height of slices of a TPieSeries.". Does the Height property factor in here? I couldn't find any further mention of the Height property for TSliceValueList. Did it get dropped in V7?
Help!!! (and thanks in advance, Narcís!..Smile)
richard diamond

(using D7 with TeeChart 7.12)
I am having a problem with exploded slices. I've been battling it for three days. Don Quixote had better luck with windmills than I am with this one....
It's exactly the same issue a user described in a post in the .NET group (http://www.teechart.net/support/viewtopic.php?t=2339). In fact, I originally posted this to that thread, but noticed after the submission it was the wrong group.. DOH! Sorry for the confusion. The issue there, however, is precisely what I'm experiencing.
I noticed something that may help shed some light on the issue.
I can reproduce this (mis)behavior .. by having... and perhaps this is quite important... YValues.Order set to loNone.
Oh, another piece of the puzzle. I cause the slices to explode not by using ExplodeBiggest, but by manually setting at run time, based on various conditions, the <PieSeries.>ExplodedSlice[] array.
I'm going to bet Tony had <PieSeries.>YValues.Order set to loNone, and was manually setting the <PieSeries.>ExplodedSlice[] array as well? Tony, you watching? Actually, I posted a follow-up to the .NET thread, so we'll see.
Change YValues.Order to, say, loAscending, add the slices, do the Sort, and things will behave...Smile Switch it back to loNone, and the problem reappears.
Narcís, has this been fixed, and I'm just slow to update, or is this still an ongoing issue? I'm kind of excited to see Tony with the same issue, I know I'm not nuts now. I've read through the documentation, FAQ's, Posts, and this is the closest I've come to seeing someone else with my problem.
Oh, and additional question. I noticed at http://www.berneda.com/TeeChart6Docs/TS ... eList.html it says TSliceValueList "Contains the collection list of exploded slices and height of slices of a TPieSeries.". Does the Height property factor in here? I couldn't find any further mention of the Height property for TSliceValueList. Did it get dropped in V7?
Help!!! (and thanks in advance, Narcís!..Smile)
richard diamond