MaxPointsPerPage and more problems in v7

TeeChart VCL for Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder.
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MaxPointsPerPage and more problems in v7

Post by croshere » Fri Jun 18, 2004 4:20 pm


I recently upgraded from TeeChart v6 to v7. The main reason to upgrade was that I hoped that a number of bugs in v6 would be fixed in v7. I am very disappointed to see that these bugs have not been fixed; moreover, some new limitations have been introduced in this version. My problems are the following:

1) MaxPointsPerPage = 1 still doesn't work. I discussed this months ago with the support staff and they suggested it would be fixed in v7.

2) In v6, I used my own scrollbar to scroll the legend when it became too large. I tried switching over to the new LegendScrollBar. To my surprise, when MaxPointsPerPage is used, the legendscrollbar then scrolls the pages instead of the legend items. With my own code it is impossible to scroll the legend items in v7 when paging is used. In v6 this was possible.

3) When using PrintPartialCanvas to print to a metafile, if the PrinterRect parameter's Left and Top properties are not 0, the chart does not draw correctly to the metafile; instead it comes up all squashed. This happened in v6 and still happens in v7. I never reported this problem.

4) When zoomed in on a line chart, a TMarksTipTool will not provide a tooltip on the line on that part of the line before in the area before the first value on the x-axis. I never reported this problem either.

5) Not so much a problem of mine, but it doesn't look too good: the version resouces of all the v7 bpl's state that they are TeeChart v5.0.

I am now planning to revert back to version 6 as this at least makes point 2) work.


Robert Croshere

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Post by Marjan » Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:11 am


#1: (bug report 1332) has been fixed in the latest v7.01 beta version I'm testing here. the fix will be included in upcoming TeeChart 7.01 release.

#2: This is as designed (default). In conjunction with MatxPointsPerPage the legend scrollbar will behave in the same manner as chart page navigator. But you can disable this feature by setting legend CurrentPage property to false:

Code: Select all

Chart1.Legend.CurrentPage := False;

#3: I've tried to replicate the problem here but it's working just fine (I get good output). If possible, can you send me sample application demonstrating this problem which I can run/test here as-is ? You can post it at our attacments newsgroup or send it directly to me at marjan at steema dot com.

I'll check other items and post workarounds/fixes in this thread shortly.
Marjan Slatinek,

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Post by croshere » Wed Jun 30, 2004 10:52 am


Thanks for the reply.
#1: This is really important to me.
#2: I didn't see the CurrentPage property; however, I will stick with my own scrollbar; the arrows drawn by the legendscrollbar look kind of distorted. It would be nice if these could be replaced with an image.
#3:When trying to reporduce this I noticed that this this only happens when the height/width ratio of the chart is changed. I corrected my code and this no longer happens.


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Post by Pep » Thu Jul 01, 2004 11:07 pm

Hi Robert,
#2: I didn't see the CurrentPage property; however, I will stick with my own scrollbar; the arrows drawn by the legendscrollbar look kind of distorted. It would be nice if these could be replaced with an image.
Are you using the TeeChart Pro v7 ? I'm can use it using the latest version available to download on our web site.
Also you should be able (via ChartEditor or via code : Charttool1.ArrowBrush.Image.LoadFromFile('..'); ) to load an image for arrows.

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