Nature of Technical Analysis , DateTimeAxis (Bottom Axis) doesnt have gap.. Not only weekends but also some special days "Stock Market" could be close..So DateTime Axis couldnt behave as Calendar..For example
if our stock market is closed between 13 October and 18 October ,the data of 18th October will come after 13th October's..
And because of TeeChart doesnt have IgnoreNullDateTime method for DateTimeAxis we have to set
Code: Select all
TChart1.Series[0].ValuesLists[0].DateTime = false;
Code: Select all
TChart1.Series[0].Labels = MyStringListLabels;
#Removed by Glikoz

i will try to show DateTime Axis as Year-Month,Month-Week,Month-Day pairs to amount of data...(Multi custom Line on bottom DateTime Axis)
What is your advice ..Is there any development on the DateTime Axis ?