I have the source for TeeChart.dll V3, I am building the source and find that it contains many warnings. We like to set our project properties as "Treat warnings as errors" with the error level set to 4 which is the default for Visual Studio 2005.
Below are all the warnings:
Warning 1 The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003' has invalid child element 'MSBuildAllProjects' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Microsoft.CSharp.targets 23 10 Miscellaneous Files
Warning 2 The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003' has invalid child element 'CreateManifestResourceNamesDependsOn' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Microsoft.CSharp.targets 54 10 Miscellaneous Files
Warning 3 The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003' has invalid child element '_DisabledWarnings' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Microsoft.CSharp.targets 106 10 Miscellaneous Files
Warning 4 The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003' has invalid child element '_DisabledWarnings' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Microsoft.CSharp.targets 117 10 Miscellaneous Files
Warning 5 The element 'ItemGroup' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003' has invalid child element 'DocFileItem' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. List of possible elements expected: 'Item' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Microsoft.CSharp.targets 122 10 Miscellaneous Files
Warning 6 The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003' has invalid child element 'CoreCompileDependsOn' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. List of possible elements expected: 'Property' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Microsoft.CSharp.targets 126 10 Miscellaneous Files
Error 7 Warning as Error: 'Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Aspect.colorPaletteIdx': new protected member declared in sealed class C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Drawing\Canvas.cs 272 28 TeeChart2005
Error 8 Warning as Error: 'Steema.TeeChart.LegendTitle.TextAlign' hides inherited member 'Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.TextShape.TextAlign'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Legend.cs 1601 26 TeeChart2005
Error 9 Warning as Error: 'Steema.TeeChart.LegendTitle.DrawText()' hides inherited member 'Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.TextShape.DrawText()'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Legend.cs 1650 17 TeeChart2005
Error 10 Warning as Error: The member 'Steema.TeeChart.Styles.PointPolygonList.this[string]' does not hide an inherited member. The new keyword is not required. C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Styles\PointPolygons.cs 87 27 TeeChart2005
Error 11 Warning as Error: The member 'Steema.TeeChart.Styles.GaugeSeriesPointer.Draw(Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Graphics3D, bool, int, int, int, int, System.Drawing.Color, Steema.TeeChart.Styles.GaugePointerStyles)' does not hide an inherited member. The new keyword is not required. C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Styles\CustomGauge.cs 620 19 TeeChart2005
Error 12 Warning as Error: The variable 'oldVal' is assigned but its value is never used C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Web\WebChart.cs 710 16 TeeChart2005
Error 13 Warning as Error: Unreachable code detected C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Drawing\CanvasSVG.cs 273 106 TeeChart2005
Error 14 Warning as Error: Unreachable code detected C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Drawing\CanvasSVG.cs 274 115 TeeChart2005
Error 15 Warning as Error: Unreachable code detected C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Drawing\CanvasSVG.cs 275 114 TeeChart2005
Error 16 Warning as Error: Unreachable code detected C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Drawing\CanvasSVG.cs 276 80 TeeChart2005
Error 17 Warning as Error: The private field 'Steema.TeeChart.Tools.SeriesRegionTool.iSeriesDrawn' is assigned but its value is never used C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Tools\SeriesRegion.cs 22 22 TeeChart2005
Error 18 Warning as Error: The event 'Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Filter.Changed' is never used C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Drawing\Filters.cs 42 45 TeeChart2005
Error 19 Warning as Error: Field 'Steema.TeeChart.Editors.PeriodEditor.controlToEnable' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Editors\PeriodEditor.cs 31 22 TeeChart2005
Error 20 Warning as Error: The private field 'Steema.TeeChart.Editors.Series.PointSeries.setting' is assigned but its value is never used C:\TCC\Development\3rd Party\Source\TeeChartNetV3\Sources\TeeChart\Editors\Series\PointEditor.cs 27 20 TeeChart2005
Error 21 Assembly signing failed; output may not be signed -- The system cannot find the file specified. TeeChart2005
Warning 22 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "AboutBox.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\AboutBox.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 23 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "AspectEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\AspectEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 24 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "AxesEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\AxesEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 25 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "AxisEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\AxisEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 26 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "AxisIncrement.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\AxisIncrement.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 27 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "AxisLabelsEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\AxisLabelsEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 28 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "AxisMaxMin.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\AxisMaxMin.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 29 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "BevelEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\BevelEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 30 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "BevelImageEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\BevelImageEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 31 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "BrushEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\BrushEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 32 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ButtonColor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\ButtonColor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 33 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ButtonPen.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\ButtonPen.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 34 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ChartEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\ChartEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 35 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ColorEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\ColorEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 36 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "CustomShapeEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\CustomShapeEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 37 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "DesignTimeOptions.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\DesignTimeOptions.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 38 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "DialogEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\DialogEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 39 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ADXFunctionEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Functions\ADXFunctionEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 40 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "BollingerFunctionEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Functions\BollingerFunctionEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 41 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "CCIFunctionEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Functions\CCIFunctionEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 42 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "CLVFunctionEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Functions\CLVFunctionEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 43 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "CompressOHLCFunctionEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Functions\CompressOHLCFunctionEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 44 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "CustomFunctionEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Functions\CustomFunctionEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 45 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "FunctionEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Functions\FunctionEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 46 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "MACDFunctionEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Functions\MACDFunctionEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 47 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "MovingAverageFunctionEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Functions\MovingAverageFunctionEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 48 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "OBVFunctionEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Functions\OBVFunctionEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 49 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "PVOFunctionEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Functions\PVOFunctionEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 50 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SmoothingFunctionEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Functions\SmoothingFunctionEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 51 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ChartGallery.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Gallery\ChartGallery.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 52 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "GalleryByType.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Gallery\GalleryByType.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 53 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "GalleryPanel.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Gallery\GalleryPanel.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 54 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "General.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\General.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 55 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "GradientEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\GradientEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 56 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "LegendEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\LegendEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 57 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "MarkSymbolEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\MarkSymbolEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 58 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "PageEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\PageEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 59 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "PanelEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\PanelEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 60 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "PenEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\PenEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 61 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "PeriodEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\PeriodEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 62 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "PreviewPanelEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\PreviewPanelEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 63 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SelectList.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\SelectList.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 64 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "AreaEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\AreaEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 65 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ArrowEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\ArrowEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 66 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "BarEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\BarEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 67 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "BoxPlotEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\BoxPlotEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 68 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "CalendarEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\CalendarEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 69 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "CandleEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\CandleEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 70 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "CircledEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\CircledEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 71 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ClockEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\ClockEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 72 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ColorGridEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\ColorGridEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 73 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ContourEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\ContourEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 74 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "CustomEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\CustomEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 75 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "DonutEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\DonutEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 76 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "FastLineEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\FastLineEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 77 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "GaugesEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\GaugesEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 78 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "GridEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\GridEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 79 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "HighLowEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\HighLowEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 80 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "HistoEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\HistoEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 81 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ImageEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\ImageEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 82 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "MapEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\MapEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 83 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "PieEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\PieEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 84 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "Point3DEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\Point3DEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 85 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "PointEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\PointEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 86 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "PointerEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\PointerEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 87 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "PolarEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\PolarEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 88 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SeriesEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\SeriesEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 89 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SeriesMarksEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\SeriesMarksEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 90 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ShapeEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\ShapeEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 91 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SmithEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\SmithEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 92 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SurfaceEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\SurfaceEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 93 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "TowerEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\TowerEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 94 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "TriSurfaceEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\TriSurfaceEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 95 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "Vector3DEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\Vector3DEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 96 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "VolumeEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\VolumeEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 97 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "WaterfallEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\WaterfallEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 98 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ShadowEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\ShadowEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 99 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SourceEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\SourceEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 100 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "TextEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\TextEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 101 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "TextSource.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\TextSource.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 102 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ThemeEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\ThemeEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 103 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "TitleEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\TitleEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 104 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "AnnotationEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\AnnotationEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 105 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "AxisArrowEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\AxisArrowEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 106 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "AxisScrollEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\AxisScrollEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 107 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "AxisToolEdit.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\AxisToolEdit.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 108 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ColorBandEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\ColorBandEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 109 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ColorLineEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\ColorLineEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 110 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "CursorEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\CursorEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 111 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "DragMarksEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\DragMarksEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 112 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "DragPointEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\DragPointEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 113 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "DrawLineEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\DrawLineEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 114 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ExtraLegendEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\ExtraLegendEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 115 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "GanttToolEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\GanttToolEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 116 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "GridBandEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\GridBandEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 117 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ImageEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\ImageEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 118 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "MarksTipEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\MarksTipEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 119 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "NearestPointEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\NearestPointEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 120 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "RotateEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\RotateEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 121 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ScrollBarEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\ScrollBarEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 122 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SeriesAnimationEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\SeriesAnimationEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 123 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SurfaceNearestToolEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\SurfaceNearestToolEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 124 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ToolsEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\ToolsEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 125 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ToolSeriesEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\ToolSeriesEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 126 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "ToolsGallery.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\ToolsGallery.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 127 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "WallEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\WallEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 128 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "BaseSeriesForm.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\BaseSeriesForm.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 129 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "KagiEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\KagiEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 130 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "RenkoEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\RenkoEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 131 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "FibonacciToolEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\FibonacciToolEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 132 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SelectorEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\SelectorEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 133 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "IsoSurfaceEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\IsoSurfaceEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 134 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "DarvasEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\DarvasEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 135 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "VolumePipeEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\VolumePipeEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 136 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "CircularGaugeEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\CircularGaugeEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 137 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "CustomGaugeEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\CustomGaugeEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 138 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "LinearGaugeEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\LinearGaugeEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 139 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SeriesRegionToolEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\SeriesRegionToolEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 140 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SeriesStatsEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\SeriesStatsEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 141 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "SeriesTransposeEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\SeriesTransposeEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 142 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "LegendPaletteEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\LegendPaletteEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 143 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "MagnifyEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\MagnifyEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 144 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "DataTableEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Tools\DataTableEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
Warning 145 A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file "OrgChartEditor.cs". This may lead to an incorrect choice for the manifest resource name for resource "Editors\Series\OrgChartEditor.resx". TeeChart2005
build issues with V3
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Hi Mike,
Which source code version are you using? Here using the source code installer from 15th June 2007 doesn't show any error nor warning when compiling.
Thanks in advance.
Which source code version are you using? Here using the source code installer from 15th June 2007 doesn't show any error nor warning when compiling.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet / Development & Support Steema Software Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia Tel: 34 972 218 797 http://www.steema.com |
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- Advanced
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Source used
I am using the source from June 15, 2007.
Are we using the same settings in Visual Studio 2005?
In Visual Studio 2005:
1. Load the Teechart2005 solution
2. in the Project Explorer, right click on the the TeeChart2005 project and select "Properties"
3. Go the Build tab
4. verify that Warning Level = 4
5. Treat warnings as errors is set to "All"
Clean and rebuild this project only. I get the warning messages.
A copy and paste of the contents of Visual Studio 2005 About dialog:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Version 8.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 2.0.50727
Installed Edition: Professional
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 77633-163-9000041-41729
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005
Microsoft Visual C# 2005 77633-163-9000041-41729
Microsoft Visual C# 2005
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 77633-163-9000041-41729
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 77633-163-9000041-41729
Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005
Visual Studio 2005 Team Explorer 77633-163-9000041-41729
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Explorer
Version 8.0.50727.147
Crystal Reports AAC60-G0CSA4B-V7000AY
Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005
EventToaster 1.0
PowerToy demonstrating how to respond to IDE events from a package.
IndexedFind 1.0
Finds strings in files using Microsoft Indexing Service.
Microsoft Visual Studio Team System Process Editor 1.0
Process Editor for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server, Version 1.0
PowerToysMaster 1.0
Provides the Power Toys submenu.
Security Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition - ENU (KB925674)
This Security Update is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition - ENU. \n
If you later install a more recent service pack, this Security Update will be uninstalled automatically. \n
For more information, visit http://support.microsoft.com/kb/925674
SourceOutliner 1.0
Creates a tool window that provides an outline view of a source code file.
SQL Server Analysis Services
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Designer
Version 9.00.2047.00
SQL Server Integration Services
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 9.00.2047.00
SQL Server Reporting Services
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers
Version 9.00.2047.00
SuperDiff 1.0
Implements the WinDiff engine in a Visual Studio tool window.
Team Foundation Server Power Tools 1.2
Power Tools that extend the Team Foundation Server integration with Visual Studio.
VcCodeSnippets 1.0
Provides basic code snippet functionality while editing C++ code.
Are we using the same settings in Visual Studio 2005?
In Visual Studio 2005:
1. Load the Teechart2005 solution
2. in the Project Explorer, right click on the the TeeChart2005 project and select "Properties"
3. Go the Build tab
4. verify that Warning Level = 4
5. Treat warnings as errors is set to "All"
Clean and rebuild this project only. I get the warning messages.
A copy and paste of the contents of Visual Studio 2005 About dialog:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Version 8.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 2.0.50727
Installed Edition: Professional
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 77633-163-9000041-41729
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005
Microsoft Visual C# 2005 77633-163-9000041-41729
Microsoft Visual C# 2005
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 77633-163-9000041-41729
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 77633-163-9000041-41729
Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005
Visual Studio 2005 Team Explorer 77633-163-9000041-41729
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Explorer
Version 8.0.50727.147
Crystal Reports AAC60-G0CSA4B-V7000AY
Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005
EventToaster 1.0
PowerToy demonstrating how to respond to IDE events from a package.
IndexedFind 1.0
Finds strings in files using Microsoft Indexing Service.
Microsoft Visual Studio Team System Process Editor 1.0
Process Editor for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server, Version 1.0
PowerToysMaster 1.0
Provides the Power Toys submenu.
Security Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition - ENU (KB925674)
This Security Update is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition - ENU. \n
If you later install a more recent service pack, this Security Update will be uninstalled automatically. \n
For more information, visit http://support.microsoft.com/kb/925674
SourceOutliner 1.0
Creates a tool window that provides an outline view of a source code file.
SQL Server Analysis Services
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Designer
Version 9.00.2047.00
SQL Server Integration Services
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 9.00.2047.00
SQL Server Reporting Services
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers
Version 9.00.2047.00
SuperDiff 1.0
Implements the WinDiff engine in a Visual Studio tool window.
Team Foundation Server Power Tools 1.2
Power Tools that extend the Team Foundation Server integration with Visual Studio.
VcCodeSnippets 1.0
Provides basic code snippet functionality while editing C++ code.
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- Posts: 14730
- Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2003 4:00 am
- Location: Banyoles, Catalonia
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Hi Mike,
Thanks for the information. We have been able to reproduce what you report here.
Some of those warnings are inevitable, especially A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file.
We will try to eliminate the Error XX Warning as Error warnings for the next release.
Thanks for the information. We have been able to reproduce what you report here.
Some of those warnings are inevitable, especially A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compilation directive in the file.
We will try to eliminate the Error XX Warning as Error warnings for the next release.
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet / Development & Support Steema Software Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia Tel: 34 972 218 797 http://www.steema.com |
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