1. The first pertains to the display of bars in a simple 2D barchart. Our test application displays a chart with 5 bars. The screenshot below is a sample showing the correct drawing of a bar and its label:

Any bar that is in the middle of the chart displays correctly, that is, all bars except for the far left one and the far right one draw properly.
These "edge bars" are only half drawn; their labels are only half drawn as well, as demonstrated in the screenshot below:

The bar on the far left has its left half chopped off (the label in the screenshot above SHOULD have read "Bad Debt (Q)". Similarly, the bar on the far right has its right half chopped off.
2. We tried to use the ScrollTool to enable horizontal scrolling of the chart. For some reason, the scrollbar is displayed oddly. In the screenshot below, notice the scrollbar is visible. For some reason, there is a large white rectangular area around it (I circled it in red for the screenshot).

I realize this is most likely a place for chart labels to be written, but as you can see from the screenshot, the rectangular area extends beyond the canvas area of the chart and looks pretty bad. It might not have been noticable if our webpage had been white but ours will not be. If it matters, we are viewing the charts on Windows XP workstations running IE 7.
Are there workarounds for either of these issues or are there perhaps properties that I need to set to prevent this behaviour? Or are these issues with the trial version of the product?