ASP.Net Rendering speed - Graphics Card

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ASP.Net Rendering speed - Graphics Card

Post by Speedwell » Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:52 pm


Does the rendering speed of the TChart for ASP.Net V2 / 3 depends on the server graphics card?

If so then what sort of card is best (2D charting only)?
If not is the CPU clock the most important characteristic to speed it up?

Any detailed information would be much appreciated.


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Post by Marc » Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:59 am

Hello MM,

The performance of the graphics card does affect the rendering performance of the Chart. We don't have any specific recommendations, a newer generation card would be preferable and as with the PCs themselves, performance is moving forward constantly so it would be a good idea to look around and look at card reviews if available.

Marc Meumann
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Any idea of speed difference?

Post by Speedwell » Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:30 pm

Thank you for your answer. In my opinion almost all ASP.Net servers have a somewhat basic graphics card and it is rather difficult to get a racked server with a decent graphics card.

So the question is really in terms of speed difference versus a normal server graphics card. Are we talking about a factor of twice as fast with the latest NVidia cards or are we talking 100 times faster? Any indication on the order of magnitude of the speed difference would really help.

FYI, the rendered Graphics are 2D and are mainly made of:
- Box Plot (up to 150 per graph)
- Lines (up to 100 per graph)

Many thanks in advance. Our admin is waiting for your answer to decide whether we can buy a racked server or if we have to buy a "gamer's" PC!

Best regards,

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Post by Marc » Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:37 pm

Hello MM,

We wouldn't expect any noticeable difference of performance on a server where the Chart is not being visualised, rather being saved as a graphics file for export. There is a case (or it has been the case) where the colour featureset on a server graphics card might negatively affect graphics output as happened in a couple of instances on servers reported to us quite some time ago, where the graphics cards only supported 255 colours, not 16 million colours. Nowadays most graphics cards pass a very high minimum specification and we wouldn't expect that kind of problem to occur. We think that the choice of a reasonable (not top spec) graphics card on a server will be sufficient.

Steema Support

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