Problems with handing click events from the client

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Problems with handing click events from the client

Post by keynetix » Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:49 am

I am currently experiencing problems with TChart v3 where it is being used for a web based application which includes a chart.

The first problem which I have is that in order to handle clicks from the client I have to turn the AutoPostBack property of the chart to true. The problem is that as soon as I do that none of the tooltips on my chart work anymore. I am not sure why this should be a problem as the tooltips seem to merely be annotations to a HTML Image Map as opposed to being somehow linked into the mouse events.

The second problem is involved with scrolling the page. I have some functionality for allowing an item on a chart to be seleted by a single click. The problem is that if the chart is larger than can fit on the browser window, as soon as the browser is scrolled down the clicking functionality fails to work. It looks like the clicking functionality does not take into account any scrolling on the page. This is a real problem.

Is there any work arounds for these problems or will these bugs be addressed?

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Post by Marc » Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:49 pm


We're looking into this. Have you tried on different browser types, principally for example, IE and Firefox?

With thanks.
Marc Meumann
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Post by Marc » Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:47 pm

Re. first problem which I have is that in order to handle clicks
There is a workable option for this. When a ZoomTool is present on the Chart it will handle clicks without requiring AutoPostback true. To enable it add a ZoomTool to the Chart but don't add any enabling code for it. Disable AutoPostback. You should be able to view hints and actuate clicks (via the click events you've setup).

We're looking at the second issue. We'll get back to this thread.

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Post by keynetix » Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:48 am

The clicking problem only seems to be in IE but has not been a problem in FireFox. We managed to find a fix by putting the Chart page into an iframe element of another page this problem is fixed.

Another problem has been found though. This problem relatest to inverting an axis. The chart we have created requires the functionality to invert the horizontal axis on the chat. Setting the inverted property of the axis does this and displays the chart correctly. Unfortunately it breaks the functionality of the click on series events. When clicking on a series with the chart axis inverted the event fires but fires as clicking outside the series. This is a problem as this chart needs to work consistently between normal mode and inverted mode.

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Post by Marc » Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:59 am


The next TeeChart for .NET maintenance release includes a fix for the clicking in IE issue you reported earlier in the thread though your solution using IFrame appears an acceptable alternative.

With regard to the Inverted Axis issue you report. We have been unable to reproduce the problem so far. Afrer inverting the Axis, Series-clicks have responded correctly. Please confirm that you are using the latest build, 3.5.3188.18561. If so, are there any other aspects of the setup that we should introduce to our tests? Do you have an example WebForm you could send us to better see the issue?

With thanks.
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Post by keynetix » Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:45 am

Firstly I have just updated to the latest version of the build. The reversed chainage problem has remained the same.

I will try and be as specific about the chart setup as possible. The chart which is having problems is based on a Gantt series. It is used to display information about geological inspections. The Gantt lines represent where an observation starts to where it ends with the horizontal axis being a distance in meters (in this case just a double value). This means overriding the default behaviour of the horizontal axis representing a date for a Gantt series. The vertical axis is used purely to keep observations drawn together in category groups. Each individual groups uses a separate gantt series to represent it. Within a group and observation may be offset vertically if its start and end position overlaps any other observation in the group. This works properly without problems. However the user has a requirement to display the chart with the horizontal distance inverted. This has been implemented by using the inverted property of the TChart axis object. In normal mode the horizontal axis begins at 0 in the bottom left corner and continues right in accending values of distance. When inverted the 0 origin is in the bottom right hand corner with accending distances increacing left.

When clicking on any Gantt chart mark if the axis is inverted the event fired is that a click was detected but was outside of the series. When the axis is not inverted clicking on Gantt chart marks correctly fires an event that a click on the series was detected. This behaviour remains unchanged even after updating to the latest build: 3.5.3188.18565.

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Invert Axis fine for points

Post by keynetix » Wed Oct 22, 2008 11:02 am

I have noted that with the exact same setup that click events work fine with inverted axis when using a point based series. The problem then seems to be specific to the Gantt chart series. It has been a bit of a fight in development to keep the Gantt chart using double values for the axis rather than dates which it defaults to. This may or may not be related. At least the problem is narrowed down.

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