Some more yes/no questions then, if it's okDaniel wrote: It does appear (meaning no, it doesn't "does not")![]()

1) With access to a valid DNS server, does a TeeChart application with a valid Digital Certificate start without delay?
2) With access to a valid DNS server, does a TeeChart application without a valid Digital Certificate start without delay?
3) Without access to a valid DNS server, does a TeeChart application with a valid Digital Certificate start without delay?
4) Without access to a valid DNS server, does a TeeChart application without a valid Digital Certificate start without delay?
Here's the detail:Daniel wrote: What is the information behind the DNS queries to (cut off on the right hand side in your screen shot)? Is there a (as it would be in my case)?
Code: Select all
27 5.278226 DNS Standard query PTR
With all due respect, this is only speculation. We do not know if it is specifically the Steema Digital Certificate which is causing the problem or if this behaviour is displayed by all Digital Certificates. If the case is the latter, then the issue lies with Digital Certificates per se and not with Steema's implementation of them.Daniel wrote: Indirectly it is, because it is your certificate that's causing the problem when the DLL loads in my application.
Yes, if I could only reproduce the issue here I'd have more confidence to ask Verisign what is happening. Maybe the time is coming when I'll have to ask them anyhow ("a friend of mine has a problem..."Daniel wrote: The "empty" DLL would IMHO cause it too.n Have you asked Verisign about this behavior? That would be an interesting information...

So do IDaniel wrote: I hope that bairog has more success (good luck)!![]()

Many thanks for your help so far, Daniel!