Multiple versions of TeeChart on 1 system, licensing

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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Multiple versions of TeeChart on 1 system, licensing

Post by SvenE » Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:11 am

Dear All,

We are currently migrating our ASP.NET 1.1 website to 3.0. We've been using Tchart 1.1 but for this project we intend to migrate to Tchart 3.0. Unfortunately some (homegrown) assemblies still need to be able to access the 1.1 version of Tchart, so both are installed on the system. Using these home-grown assemblies from the ASP.NET project, results in the following error:
An instance of type 'Steema.TeeChart.Chart' was being created, and a valid license could not be granted for the type 'Steema.TeeChart.Chart'. Please, contact the manufacturer of the component for more information.

It appears only the license for version 3 is recognized by the iis server, because the .aspx pages that use the new 3.0 component work fine. How can we use both versions side-by-side? I've tried referencing both from the project, but (obviously) I get "ambiguous namespace" errors when compiling...



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Re: Multiple versions of TeeChart on 1 system, licensing

Post by Marc » Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:48 am

Hello Sven,

V1 and v3 license checks are independent of each other, we wouldn't normally expect any problems of side by side running (at Steema we have various test machines setup for Web tests using multiple/concurrent TeeChart versions).

Please note that license control was added to TeeChart for .NET v1 with build 1.1.1864.22788. Therefore if installing v1 in a new server the installer should be used to install the key to the machine (as is the case with v3). Please confirm that the visible portion of the license key exists in the registry:

Code: Select all

TeeChart for NET v1
"DesignKey"="Steema.TeeChart.TChart is a licensed component."

Code: Select all

TeeChart for NET v3
"DesignKeyV3"="Steema.TeeChart.TChart is a licensed component."
Alternatively the problem may not lie with the license setup but rather the project setup of the aplication you are testing. Please check that your projects include the licenses.licx file as an embedded resource with the TeeChart license line (see tutorial 17 for details).

(*Not related - if you're evaluating migration to TeeChart v3 you might be interested to see the recently released TeeChart for NET v2009 that offers new features and improvements.)

Marc Meumann
Steema Support

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Re: Multiple versions of TeeChart on 1 system, licensing

Post by SvenE » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:05 pm

hi Marc,

thnx for your speedy reply. I checked the registry. the keys are there (under the Wow6432Node folder though, we're using windows server 2008 so 64bit). However, I don't see how I can use the licenses.licx file as an embedded resource. Visual studio 2008 does not supply this option for web projects afaik. The only option I have is "Build Runtime Licenses". Regardless I don't think the problem is with the projects setup as the pages that are using the v3 tchart are working fine. It's just the old 1.1. framework homegrown components that generate graphics use v1 of Tchart that give the error.

thnx again for any insight you may provide.


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Re: Multiple versions of TeeChart on 1 system, licensing

Post by Marc » Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:47 pm

Hello Sven,

Re. licenses.licx file as an embedded resource
Yes, true, 'embedded' would only apply to a web project in VS.NET2003. Nevertheless, if it's the v1 project failing, please check that it complies with the licenses.licx requirement.

The problem may lie with this being a 64bit server. Is this the first TeeChart v1 installation of your application on a 64bit platform? I'll need to check what measures were taken for 64bit with TeeChart v1. I know we added registry utility modifications for version 2 but that may not apply to v1; I'll get back to this thread.

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Re: Multiple versions of TeeChart on 1 system, licensing

Post by Marc » Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:54 am

Hello Sven,

TeeChart for .NET v1 registry license settings were not active for 64Bit Windows. We have copied a modified TeeReg.exe utility to the customer download page that installs the correct settings when run.

Steema Support

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Re: Multiple versions of TeeChart on 1 system, licensing

Post by SvenE » Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:10 am

Dear Marc,

Works like a charm! Thanks for the great support, a rare thing these days.

best regards,


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