Shadows problems

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Shadows problems

Post by UserLS » Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:51 pm

I just loaded new release of TChart 2010 and noticed a few problems. Here is my shadows ones:

a. Setting Smooth to true has unpredictable results. The position may or may not change, the shape of a shadow itself in some cases looks like a piece was cut off (even though there is plenty of room to finish its drawing), the edges (the default - I did not play with any settings) look completely different from the older version I was using (last time I upgraded was June 2010 version). It is absolutely unacceptable for our users.

b. Using plain (not smooth) shadows is problematic too. If I have shadow on the Title with positive offset then everything is moved down to allow the whole shadow to be drawn (well, the shadow after all is not the most important part of the graph and I would expect it to be covered by other objects if it needs to). But if the offset is negative, nothing is moved to make room for that shadow (which is preferred behavior), but now I can see another problem - if I have a shadow with negative offset on a subtitle it is drawn on top of the title! That is the shadow and it should not cover main objects of my graphs!

c. If I set pie shadow offset (both vertical and horizontal have the same strange behavior) to a value between 1 and 3 it shows up just fine, but if I save the chart to a template file and later load it back, the shadow offsets are reset to 20! Oddly enough, negative numbers are working fine.

d. And the last one (I think I already reported it a year or so ago, but it is not fixed so far). Have you tried to add shadow to a donut series? Since when the empty hole produces a shadow? Also setting this shadow to Smooth cuts off the bottom part of it.

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Re: Shadows problems

Post by Sandra » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:10 pm

Hello UserLs,
a. Setting Smooth to true has unpredictable results. The position may or may not change, the shape of a shadow itself in some cases looks like a piece was cut off (even though there is plenty of room to finish its drawing), the edges (the default - I did not play with any settings) look completely different from the older version I was using (last time I upgraded was June 2010 version). It is absolutely unacceptable for our users.
Could you confirm us if your problem with shadows appears in the shadow marks of there is in the next image:
Chart1Shadow.jpg (60.82 KiB) Viewed 4012 times
b. Using plain (not smooth) shadows is problematic too. If I have shadow on the Title with positive offset then everything is moved down to allow the whole shadow to be drawn (well, the shadow after all is not the most important part of the graph and I would expect it to be covered by other objects if it needs to). But if the offset is negative, nothing is moved to make room for that shadow (which is preferred behavior), but now I can see another problem - if I have a shadow with negative offset on a subtitle it is drawn on top of the title! That is the shadow and it should not cover main objects of my graphs!
I have added your request in whist-list with number [TF02015439]to be considered inclusion it in next maintenance releases of TeeChart.Net.
c. If I set pie shadow offset (both vertical and horizontal have the same strange behavior) to a value between 1 and 3 it shows up just fine, but if I save the chart to a template file and later load it back, the shadow offsets are reset to 20! Oddly enough, negative numbers are working fine.
I could reproduce your problem and I have added your request in bug list report with number [TF02015437]. We will try to fix it in next maintenance releases of TeeChart.Net
d. And the last one (I think I already reported it a year or so ago, but it is not fixed so far). Have you tried to add shadow to a donut series? Since when the empty hole produces a shadow? Also setting this shadow to Smooth cuts off the bottom part of it.
You are right. I have increased the severity of bug (TF02014837) to be revised for next maintenance releases.

Best Regards,
Sandra Pazos / Development & Support
Steema Software
Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia
Tel: 34 972 218 797
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