TeeChart5 to TeeChart.NET migration help needed

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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TeeChart5 to TeeChart.NET migration help needed

Post by Jim » Tue Feb 08, 2005 11:16 pm

Hello all,
I have recently inherited VB6 code that uses TeeChart 5, and I am responsile for moving the TeeChart code to the .NET version. (On top of that I'm new to using TeeChart) I have been able to find nearly all of the corresponding calls in the .NET API, but I have hit a few snags that I have described below. Any help would be appreciated.


tChart is a TChart instance for the first two snippets


Produces the compiler error message:
"asLine is not a member of Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Series"

tChart.Axes.Left.GridPen.Color = icolor
tChart.Axes.Left.GridPen.Visible = bVisible

Produces the following compiler error message (for both lines) though the API says that the properties are both gettable and settable:
Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.

3) Are TeeChart.ESeriesClass.scFastLine and TeeChart.ESeriesClass.scLine needed anymore? Should I toss the code that uses them, or is there a workaround? I get the compiler error "Name TeeChart is not declared"

4) Some of the previous properties of TChart.Canvas are no longer available in TChart.Graphics3D (such as Canvas.Left, Canvas.Top, Canvas.Height, etc.), and I don't know what to replace them with.

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Post by Pep » Wed Feb 16, 2005 4:27 pm

Hi Jim,

seeing some of the errors you're getting seems like you're not using the latest maintenance release of TeeChart Pro v5 (the v5.06). If so, you must download it from our web site, at the private customers download page and install it ( remember to uninstall the older version before to install the new one) .
I've just tried here some things and all is working fine.

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