MAUI Line chart makes a white bubble on point on drag.

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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MAUI Line chart makes a white bubble on point on drag.

Post by TLC » Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:01 pm

MAUI Line chart makes a white/transparent bubble on point on drag. the bubble moves with the drag, as if panning moves the bubble along. Below the Line config.

Code: Select all

    public static Line CreateLine( this Chart chart )
        Line line = new(chart)
                        ColorEach      = false,
                        ColorEachLine  = false,
                        TreatNaNAsNull = true,
                        TreatNulls     = TreatNullsStyle.Skip,
                        Color          = Black,
                        Visible        = true,
                        Active         = true,
                        ClickableLine  = false,
                        DateTimeFormat = "MMM dd, yyyy",
                        XValues =
                            DateTime = true,
                            Order    = ValueListOrder.Ascending
                        YValues =
                            DateTime = false,
                            Order    = ValueListOrder.Ascending
                        Brush   = { Color = Black },
                        LinePen = { Color = Black },
                        Marks =
                            Color               = GhostWhite,
                            ClipText            = true,
                            Transparent         = false,
                            AutoSize            = true,
                            AutoPosition        = true,
                            FollowSeriesColor   = true,
                            FontSeriesColor     = true,
                            CheckMarkArrowColor = true,
                            Visible             = false,
                            ArrowLength         = 10,
                            Arrow               = { Visible = true },
                            Font =
                                Name = Charts.FONT,
                                Size = 8
                        Pointer =
                            Visible    = true,
                            SizeUnits  = PointerSizeUnits.Pixels,
                            Style      = PointerStyles.Circle,
                            HorizSize  = 4,
                            VertSize   = 4,
                            SizeDouble = 0D,
                            Pen =
                                Width   = 3,
                                Visible = true
                        Legend =
                            Visible  = false,
                            AutoSize = true

        chart.Series.Add( line );
        return line;

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Joined: Mon Apr 08, 2019 12:00 am

Re: MAUI Line chart makes a white bubble on point on drag.

Post by TLC » Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:15 pm

Also more config:

Code: Select all

    public static void ConfigureChart( this Chart chart, string font = Charts.FONT )
        chart.Zoom.Active    = true;
        chart.Zoom.History   = true;
        chart.Zoom.Direction = ZoomDirections.Both;

        chart.ToolTip.AutoPopDelay = 100;
        chart.ToolTip.InitialDelay = 500;
        chart.ToolTip.ForeColor    = Black;
        chart.ToolTip.BackColor    = White;

        chart.Panning.Active       = true;
        chart.Panning.InsideBounds = true;

        chart.Header.Visible     = false;
        chart.Header.AutoSize    = true;
        chart.Header.AdjustFrame = true;
        chart.Header.Alignment   = StringAlignment.Center;

        chart.AutoRepaint = true;

        chart.Aspect.Orthogonal         = true;
        chart.Aspect.TextFormattingMode = TextFormattingMode.Ideal;
        chart.Aspect.ClipPoints         = true;
        chart.Aspect.ZoomText           = true;
        chart.Aspect.View3D             = false;

        chart.Legend.Visible          = false;
        chart.Legend.ActiveStyle      = LegendActiveStyles.None;
        chart.Legend.Alignment        = LegendAlignments.Bottom;
        chart.Legend.Font.Color       = Gray;
        chart.Legend.Font.Brush.Color = Gray;
        chart.Legend.Font.Name        = font;
        chart.Legend.Font.Size        = 15;
        chart.Legend.Pen.Visible      = false;
        chart.Legend.Shadow.Visible   = true;

        chart.Axes.Depth.Visible   = false;
        chart.Axes.Depth.Automatic = true;

        chart.Axes.DepthTop.Visible   = false;
        chart.Axes.DepthTop.Automatic = true;

        chart.Axes.Right.Visible                 = false;
        chart.Axes.Right.Grid.Visible            = false;
        chart.Axes.Right.MinorTicks.Visible      = false;
        chart.Axes.Right.Ticks.Visible           = false;
        chart.Axes.Right.Title.Font.Name         = font;
        chart.Axes.Right.Labels.Font.Color       = Gray;
        chart.Axes.Right.Labels.Font.Brush.Color = Gray;
        chart.Axes.Right.Labels.Font.Name        = font;
        chart.Axes.Right.Labels.Font.Size        = 10;
        chart.Axes.Right.Labels.Visible          = false;

        chart.Axes.Left.Horizontal              = false;
        chart.Axes.Left.Automatic               = true;
        chart.Axes.Left.ZoomLimitToAxisBounds   = true;
        chart.Axes.Left.AxisPen.Visible         = false;
        chart.Axes.Left.AxisPen.Width           = 0;
        chart.Axes.Left.Grid.Color              = DarkGray;
        chart.Axes.Left.TickOnLabelsOnly        = false;
        chart.Axes.Left.Grid.Visible            = true;
        chart.Axes.Left.Labels.AutoSize         = true;
        chart.Axes.Left.Labels.Visible          = true;
        chart.Axes.Left.Labels.MultiLine        = true;
        chart.Axes.Left.Labels.Align            = AxisLabelAlign.Default;
        chart.Axes.Left.Labels.Font.Color       = Black;
        chart.Axes.Left.Labels.Font.Brush.Color = Black;
        chart.Axes.Left.Labels.Font.Name        = font;
        chart.Axes.Left.Labels.Angle            = 0;
        chart.Axes.Left.Title.Font.Color        = DarkGray;
        chart.Axes.Left.Title.Font.Brush.Color  = DarkGray;
        chart.Axes.Left.Title.Font.Name         = font;
        chart.Axes.Left.Ticks.Visible           = true;
        chart.Axes.Left.Ticks.Color             = Gray;
        chart.Axes.Left.Ticks.Length            = 5;
        chart.Axes.Left.MinorTicks.Color        = LightGray;
        chart.Axes.Left.MinorTicks.Visible      = true;

        chart.Axes.Bottom.Horizontal              = true;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Automatic               = true;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.ZoomLimitToAxisBounds   = true;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.AxisPen.Color           = DarkGray;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.AxisPen.Width           = 0;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Grid.Color              = LightGray;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Grid.Visible            = true;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Ticks.Color             = Gray;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Ticks.Visible           = true;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.MinorTicks.Color        = LightGray;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.MinorTicks.Visible      = false;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Title.Caption           = Resx.Date;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Title.Font.Name         = font;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Title.Font.Size         = 18;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Font.Color       = Gray;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Font.Brush.Color = Gray;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Font.Name        = font;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Font.Size        = 10;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Angle            = 0;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Separation       = 10;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.AutoSize         = true;
        chart.Axes.Bottom.MinorTickCount          = 4;

        chart.Panel.MarginLeft       = 6;
        chart.Panel.MarginRight      = 6;
        chart.Panel.MarginTop        = 6;
        chart.Panel.MarginBottom     = 6;
        chart.Panel.MarginUnits      = PanelMarginUnits.Pixels;
        chart.Panel.Bevel.Outer      = BevelStyles.None;
        chart.Panel.Bevel.Width      = 2;
        chart.Panel.Brush.Color      = White;
        chart.Panel.Gradient.Visible = false;

        chart.Walls.Visible                          = false;
        chart.Walls.Back.Transparent                 = false;
        chart.Walls.Back.Brush.Gradient.EndColor     = White;
        chart.Walls.Back.Pen.Visible                 = false;
        chart.Walls.Back.Visible                     = false;
        chart.Walls.Bottom.Brush.Gradient.EndColor   = Silver;
        chart.Walls.Bottom.Brush.Gradient.StartColor = Gray;
        chart.Walls.Bottom.Brush.Gradient.Visible    = true;
        chart.Walls.Bottom.Pen.Color                 = Gray;
        chart.Walls.Bottom.Transparent               = true;
        chart.Walls.Left.Brush.Color                 = White;
        chart.Walls.Left.Brush.Gradient.EndColor     = Silver;
        chart.Walls.Left.Brush.Gradient.StartColor   = Gray;
        chart.Walls.Left.Brush.Gradient.Visible      = true;
        chart.Walls.Left.Pen.Color                   = Gray;
        chart.Walls.Left.Transparent                 = true;
        chart.Walls.Right.Transparent                = true;
        chart.Walls.Right.Visible                    = false;

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Re: MAUI Line chart makes a white bubble on point on drag.

Post by Pep » Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:23 pm

does this behaviour happens by using the latest nuget version ? Does this happens to you on Windows platform ? I can reproduce the problem here using your code.


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Joined: Mon Apr 08, 2019 12:00 am

Re: MAUI Line chart makes a white bubble on point on drag.

Post by TLC » Thu Dec 12, 2024 6:58 pm

Steema.TeeChart.NET.MAUI v6.2024.11.6 is installed and yes it does

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Re: MAUI Line chart makes a white bubble on point on drag.

Post by Pep » Mon Dec 16, 2024 3:21 pm

I'm afraid I can't reproduce the problem here.
In your code I can see that both zoom and panning are active.
Do you have very simple project with which we can reproduce the problem as is here ?


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