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MVVM Support in Teechart silverlight/WPF
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 5:14 am
by 13051589
Hi ,
1) Do we have MVVM (Model View V- View Model) pattern support for Teechart in SilverLight/WPF ? We follow the same in my project , so that the designer can set the UI and I only talk to the UI(View) using dependency properties .
2) When I add the silverlight reference in XAML ,I can only access the Tchart type , are there samples that allow the series/legend/tools to be configured using xaml .
I also tried adding the styles namespace separately , to have a Line chart , see the st alias in xaml , can I/Do I need to do something like this to configure other elements within the chart .
<UserControl x:Class="TeechartsPOC.MarketDataDemo"
xmlns=" ... esentation"
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
<tc:TChart x:Name="DemoChart" Height="700" Width="1000">
-- configure styles here , eg. Line charts , ideally it should show me "tc:Line:"
Re: MVVM Support in Teechart silverlight/WPF
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:36 pm
by narcis
Hi Aniket,
1) Do we have MVVM (Model View V- View Model) pattern support for Teechart in SilverLight/WPF ? We follow the same in my project , so that the designer can set the UI and I only talk to the UI(View) using dependency properties .
Teechart.WPF.dll and Teechart.Silverlight.dll do not support MVVM at the moment.
2) When I add the silverlight reference in XAML ,I can only access the Tchart type , are there samples that allow the series/legend/tools to be configured using xaml .
This is not available for now but you'll be available to work at desingtime using XAML in the next TeeChart for .NET 2009 maintenance release, due out on week 33 (from 10th to a16th August).
Re: MVVM Support in Teechart silverlight/WPF
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:56 pm
by 13051589
Thanks NarcĂs,
Do we have an ETA for MVVM support , will it be supported , post the week 33 release (after aug 16th).
Re: MVVM Support in Teechart silverlight/WPF
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:51 am
by narcis
Hi Aniket,
Not for now. We don't have plans to support MVVM in a short-term. However we don't discard this in the future. We understand that Visual Studio 2010 will give greater support for component developers with the use of the MVVM pattern and the wpf/silverlight team will wait until this product has been officially released before looking at the area again.
Here's and example using TeeChart at designtime in XAML.
Code: Select all
<UserControl x:Class="SilverlightApplication1.Page"
Width="700" Height="400"
<Grid Name="grid1" Background="White">
<chart:TChart x:Name="tChart1" Margin="0, 0, 0, 50" Width="700"
<drawing:Gradient Visible="True" StartColor="Blue"
<drawing:Aspect View3D="False"/>
<series:Points Color="Green">
<series:SeriesXYPoint X="50" Y="50"/>
<series:SeriesXYPoint X="150" Y="150"/>
<series:SeriesXYPoint X="260" Y="250"/>
<tools:Annotation Text="Hello"/>
<Button Margin="300, 350, 300, 0" Content="Hello"
Re: MVVM Support in Teechart silverlight/WPF
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:24 am
by 13051589
Hi Narcis,
In the latest release for (11th aug), i dont see the silverlight dll , so has this xaml support been released or any bugfixes made for silverlight in the Aug release ?? below XAML based approach doesnt work with the release prior to 11th August .
Re: MVVM Support in Teechart silverlight/WPF
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:43 am
by narcis
Hi Aniket,
I've checked VS2008 installer of 11th August release and it includes TeeChart.Silverlight.dll. Have you used VS2003 or VS2005 installer? Those versions doesn't include Silverlight assembly as Silverlight is not supported on those environments.
Yes, some enhancements and bug fixes have been implemented on last release as you can see in the
release notes.
Re: MVVM Support in Teechart silverlight/WPF
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:40 pm
by 13051589
thats strange , i ran the "TeeChartNET3VSNET2008.exe" , and I dont see the silverlight DLl in the installation directory . tried it again today .
In the eval version i have the silverlight dll in installation directory .
can you just point me to the latest installation pls , maybe i downloaded the wrong version . will try it again .
Re: MVVM Support in Teechart silverlight/WPF
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:43 pm
by narcis
Hi Aniket,
Ok, I see which the problem is now. TeeChart.Silverlight.dll is not included with TeeChart for .NET v3. Silverlight framework wasn't supported until TeeChart for .NET 2009. That's why you found Silverlight assemblies in latest TeeChart for .NET 2009 evaluation releases.
Re: MVVM Support in Teechart silverlight/WPF
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:55 am
by 13051589
Hi Narcis,
I didnt understand your last reply mate

I went to ... =4&t=10145
From there I took the latest build and the file i got was the TeeChartNET3VSNET2008.exe, and when i ran that file i dont see silverlight dll , although i do see the bug fixes for silverlight in the release notes .
I also went through the downloads area , it too points me to to TeeChartNET3VSNET2008.exe, can you send me link where i can download the setup which will give me latest silverlight dll , which supports xaml based design .
Are you saying that you need to have a new setup , like the 2009 eval one , where is the 2009 release setup link ?? are u saying i shud takethe latest eval having silverlight dll and register it later with customer account ...!!! Get me the latest silverlight dll man
Aniket Bapat
Re: MVVM Support in Teechart silverlight/WPF
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:22 am
by narcis
Hi Aniket,
I'm sorry if I didn't explain myself clearly enough. What I meant is that you need to use a TeeChart for .NET 2009 license to get TeeChart for Silverlight instead of a TeeChart for .NET v3 license. Accessing the client download area using TeeChart for .NET 2009 keys leads to the version you are asking for. If you don't have the keys at hand please contact our Sales Dept. at sales at steema dot com.
Thanks in advance.
Re: MVVM Support in Teechart silverlight/WPF
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:30 am
by 13051589
Now I get it , thanks mate , over to sales at